Hewitt wrote:
Hey, I don't know about you guys but I tried viewing my site and then my forums with Netscape and it was bad news. My forums didn't even load for some reason, so I thought I'd come here to see if it was just me. Well, punbb.org did load, but it was so jumbled and disorganized that I was forced to quit. My conclusion was Netscape is of very low quality. 
Which version of Netscape. I have tested it with NS7 and Mozilla 1.4 and its fine. It certainly will fall apart spectacularly in NS4 and IE4 because they can't handle the CSS properly.
Slightly off topic, but I have tested PunBB in the following
IE6 - Perfect
Firebird - Perfect
Mozilla 1.4 - Perfect
NS7.1 - Perfect
NS4 - Ugly Splat
IE4 - Ugly Splat (Not tested but assumed)
Anybody tried PunBB in IE5/5.5 or IE for Mac. I would be curious to know the results.
Just tried your site, whole site not just the forum, with NS7 and Mozilla 1.4. Worked perfectly.