1 (edited by pierito 2005-11-19 03:55)

Topic: Pb : Size of "post picture" always the same !!


I am using punbb 1.2.9 french;

I get a pb.

When we post a picture by [img]URL[/img], all the picture appear with the same size. I mean 100% of the post o(or the pourcentage i define in base.css).

I mean a very small picture like this one :

appear 100% in my forum !! and it is really not good !

If some one have an idea where i must modify to get the good size, i will be very happy.


Re: Pb : Size of "post picture" always the same !!

You not supposed to define a width in the css, you are supposed to use max-width: 100%.

Moving post because its not a bug.

3 (edited by pierito 2005-11-19 04:11)

Re: Pb : Size of "post picture" always the same !!

I know about size 100% in base.css !

That's not it !!
Maybe i don't explain in a good way.

The pb is all my picture, even the little one appear in 100% !

i mean something like this :


In fact, it's a bug..  no ?

Re: Pb : Size of "post picture" always the same !!

No, since it's a problem with your CSS settings (as Paul said). The settings aren't the same as on a default board, so it's not a bug wink

5 (edited by pierito 2005-11-19 16:07)

Re: Pb : Size of "post picture" always the same !!

Ok !

What i have done is to remove in base.css :

IMG.postimg {max-width: 100%}

And now it works !