Topic: help with punbb skin


Can anyone help me with a problem that I have with my forum,   I?m  using  punbo  which is a mambo version of punbb. What I?ve done is use one of the punbb skins in my punbo forum,  all works great apart from I have little round orange bullet points at the start of each word on the tool bar and in a few other places.

What I am asking is,  can anyone help me to get rid of these bullet points.   Please look hear to see the problem. … mp;lang=en

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated,  I may also be able to make a little donation for the help.

Thanks  dave stanton


Re: help with punbb skin

have you added them in include/functions.php were the navigation links are by mistake?

also, just curiosity, can i ask why you removed the powered by punbb?

Re: help with punbb skin


haven't put anything in that folder as far as i know,  just did what it said to do with the skin.  I'm  new to all this and not sure what i'm doing

i moved the power by punbb  to a credits page,  to credit everyone in one place … ;Itemid=63
is this ok?

could send you that file you mentioned if helps

dave stanton

Re: help with punbb skin


I've had a look in the folder you mentioned.    only thing i can see is that there is  this at the start of some of them  <li    .  would this make a difference,  as i don't really know what i'm looking for




Re: help with punbb skin

You have a worse problem then just the bullets. The menu is completely broken in Firefox and Opera.

There are two settings in your main stylesheet which are overriding PunBB's stylesheet.

ul {float          : left;
  margin           : 2px;
  padding-left     : 10px;
  list-style       : none;
li {
  line-height      : 15px;
  padding-left     : 15px;
  padding-top      : 0px;
  background-image : url(../images/bullet.png) ;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: 0px 3px;

The first one may be causing the menu to collapse in anything other than IE. The second one is inserting the bullet image in the menu.

If that doesn't work come back.

What you need to do is reverse their effect. Try adding this to your PunBB stylesheet
.pun ul#brdmenu {float: none}
.pun ul#brdmenu li {background-image: none}

Re: help with punbb skin


thanks for the help,  do i just past this two lines of code anywhere in the punbb style sheet?  or does it need to be in a specific area.

Also where did you get the extract of code from?


Re: help with punbb skin


Found the code in the main style sheet and just deleted it,  seems to have done the job.  Also seems to work in firefox and opera now.

thanks for the help
