Topic: Banner

Ok Im trying to put a banner underneath my header title and its shifted right and up. Looks different in firefox and IE.

any one got a solution to this?



Re: Banner

oops sorry I had it set on a different style. Now look at the banner and see its shifted right and up. Id like it to sit right on the headaer menu with no gaps.


3 (edited by TFD 2006-03-05 02:36)

Re: Banner

well I went at it a different way. I set my banner as a background img per this link http://punres.org/doku.php?id=dev:style … go_via_css

and it still has a padding or margin inside the header. Also from what I saw here background images arent cached by IE so it will draw that image from my server with each post in my forum. That wont do. So Im back to trying to make it work through editing the main.tpl this sucks.

4 (edited by TFD 2006-03-05 02:41)

Re: Banner

oh and I also need to center the header text and change its color without changing the text color elsewhere in the forum. And remove the padding inside the header.


any help would be greatly apprciated.

5 (edited by CodeXP 2006-03-05 03:11)

Re: Banner

This will do that...

#brdtitle, #brdtitle P {padding:0; text-align:center; color:#fff}

I'd recommend you to remove/change this line from your header though:

<a href="http://www.d1acollegefootball.com/Forums/index.php"><p align="center"><img src="http://www.d1acollegefootball.com/Forums/img/D1ACF/ban1.png"></a>

You can't nest a paragraph inside the A tag, and even if you could, you still haven't closed the tag. Also, there is no such thing as align="center" in proper XHTML.


Re: Banner

Thanks for the help. I changed the code. I had been messing with it all day and just cut and pasting.

where do I put this code?


#brdtitle, #brdtitle P {padding:0; text-align:center; color:#fff}

Re: Banner

Putting it at the bottom of your stylesheet should work just fine smile


Re: Banner

AWESOME!! I'm almost home. I forgot to refresh the first time I tried the code so it didnt move over smile

There appears to be a 1px gap between header menu and  logo. Do you know why that might be?


Thanks for the help!!


Re: Banner

cool never mind. I just filled in the black area with matching color and TA DOW!!

Thanks again for all your help, your a life saver smile