Topic: theN R - Articles, Discussions, everything you need

Hi, all, I'm relatively new to this site, but my site project has been going on for several weeks now, and finally I am in the final periods. My site theN R is a relative of the blog, however, with handy extras. The articles aren't as biased or personal as those on many other blogs, and there are forums!

The forums really cover all aspects of life, while focussing on politics, the forums also cover technology, entertainment (music, movies), today's controversial topics, military, history, and more! If the forums get members and the site has visitors, I will buy a top level domain, but for now only a subdomain. Have a look around. Hope you enjoy the site.

And please post any suggestions or comments; your feedback can help make my site better.


my forums: www.aio.trap17.com
politics, religion, science forums