Topic: How do I change the <TITLE> of the pages.

I wish to change the <TITLE> tag of the pages from say

<title> Forums / Post new topic</title>


<title>Post new topic / Forums</title>

Any help would be appreciated

Re: How do I change the <TITLE> of the pages.

In post.php, search for

$title =

Then change to whatever you like

Re: How do I change the <TITLE> of the pages.

I could not find $title in post.php.

Infact I would like to change the HTML TITLE META TAG of all the pages to the example given below:

<title> Forums / Post new topic</title>


<title>Post new topic / Forums</title>


Re: How do I change the <TITLE> of the pages.

The variable is $page_title. Here is the relevant line from viewforum as an example

$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title'].' / '.$cur_forum['forum_name']);

You can see all you have to do is reverse the order of the variables. Trouble is you do need to do it for each php file.

Re: How do I change the <TITLE> of the pages.

Oh, so I was a bit off tongue