Topic: questions about punBB
I'm about to move away from phpbb2 to punbb.
It is important that punBB is GPL : yes
I like the fact that punBB is CSS sharp
it got a realy clear interface.
is punBB easy to maintain. For example to get all function. in punbb you need to install some plugins... But if punBB comes with a new version do I need to reinstall all those plugins. Maybe a version of punbb with some selected mods installed. Like private PM and so on...
How large is the developer community? Will the forum be kept under development?
On phpBB there is a lot of problems with rusian spammers. Does punBB also have this problem. And is activily worked on this theme.
How secure is punBB?
Maybe this is over the hill but how doe punBB compare to other forums like Vbullitine, fudforum, phpbb, minibb, phorum etc... Why do you think this one is the best in the market.