1 (edited by j3rk3r 2006-06-30 23:35)

Topic: Backgroundcolor?


I've been trying to make my board look just like the rest of my homepage, and I want to change the backgroundcolor to make it fit in. I want to change the backgroundcolor so it looks like this: http://chillzone.se/heahea/ but it's white and I dont find the place to change the color.

This is how the board looks atm: http://chillzone.se/forum/index2.php

Would be very happy if someone could help me!

/ Erik


Re: Backgroundcolor?

It all depends on what theme you are using. Then you have to edit the css files for that specific theme to change the background color.

Re: Backgroundcolor?

I'm using Oxygen.css. I've looked around in the css but I really can't find were it is sad


Re: Backgroundcolor?

Look in the subdirectory called imports, Oxygen_cs.css has the color definitions.


Re: Backgroundcolor?

The css files are pulled in this order:


Re: Backgroundcolor?

Oxygen doesn't use a specific background, so add this in one of your CSS files:

body {
background-color: #D8D8B2;

7 (edited by j3rk3r 2006-07-02 20:41)

Re: Backgroundcolor?

Well, I found this in Oxygen_cs.css;


But now all of my backgrounds is in the #D8D8B2 color. Even if i have a color attribute on every css-div... Someone have a clue how I fix that?

8 (edited by j3rk3r 2006-07-05 18:42)

Re: Backgroundcolor?

Sorry for writing two times in a row, but I really need some help! I've tried for about 3 days to figure out why all of the div is gaining the #D8D8B2 color. I would be very happy if someone could help me a little smile