Topic: Including a banner or a logo graphic?

At the moment I am running a forum using exactly the same skin as this.

Is there a patch or something that allows me to include a banner or simple logo at the top left of the page?

Also is there a list of official themes anywhere? Most of the ones I have seen are over designed. Ideally, I would like this theme with a jpeg at the top that I can edit.

Hope this all makes sense


Re: Including a banner or a logo graphic?

For your first question -

For the second, there is no such thing as an "official theme" aside from the ones that come with PunBB. Sorry. If you haven't already, you can browse through's selection of styles.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.

Re: Including a banner or a logo graphic?

Many thanks pogen, looking into it just now