Topic: "An error was encountered"

What is causing it and how do I fix it?

Error: Unable to write configuration cache file to cache directory. Please make sure PHP has write access to the directory 'cache'.

The error is located here:

Thank you in advance!

Re: "An error was encountered"

Make sure the cache directory is writable. If it is, delete cache_config.php

Re: "An error was encountered"

Thanks Smartys, but I don't seem to have that file?!?!

4 (edited by deadram 2006-09-12 04:05)

Re: "An error was encountered"

Change the permissions on catch to 777 (world read, write, and executable)
Change the permissions on all files in the catch dir to 666 (world read/writeable)

PS: You can modify the above depending on your know how of your server. chown to the web user, and or group, and give only that user and/or group permissions to read/write to them files and dir (edit: but don't disallow your ftp user account read/write access!!!). Also some webservers don't need executable permission to allow php, cgi etc.. to view and modify the content of that directory).

PPS: There's a couple directories/files that need write permission to function correctly, for example to allow uploading of avatars <install-dir>/img/avatars needs to be writable by the web user.

echo "deadram"; echo; fortune;