Topic: Is PunBB Suited To My Needs?

Hi guys,

I have been using Punbb for a long time on all of my other projects but wondered if it is needed for my current one. I hope so as I find it easy to style and generally just love Pun lol.

When somebody registers they have the option to submit a short story to our site. If they do submit a story either via a post on the board or through emailing me through the board I want their username to appear on the front page of the site under the heading 'Last 5 People To Submit'.

When they submit a story via a post on the message board I want the post to immediately be hidden to other members/guests. Is there someway I can check all new threads before they are posted live?


Re: Is PunBB Suited To My Needs?

I believe PunBB 1.3 will have the feature you need - posting moderation.

As for hiding posts as soon as they are posted, you could hide the forums from a certain group.

Re: Is PunBB Suited To My Needs?

Can always write a plug-in to display the last 5 posts (or a link to the last 5 posts) in forum "reviewed stories".

As for the second, you should be able to disable "viewing" forum "recently-submited-stories" but allow "posting" to forum "recently-submited-stories". No link shows up to allow people to post to stories forum, but you should be able to make your own link. As an admin check the forum stories, and click on the post button. You should get a link, that's something like this:

"http://<my url>/<forum path>/post.php?fid=XXX"

XXX is a number indicating the forum topic new posts are made to. Just add that link into the menu at the top of the page, so people have:

[] [Index] [User list] [Rules] [Search] [Profile] [b][Submit my story][/b] [Logout]

It may require a litle php know how and some editing of the punbb php scripts, but you should be able to get something functional. Could also add a database entry to table users, as a bool/int that indicates if someone has already submitted thier story. What you end up with is a forum topic that has unreviewed stories, and as you review them (or another mod reviews them) they are moved to the revied-stories topic. The newest 5 reviewed-stories posts get a link on the main page (by using some php and sql know-how).

echo "deadram"; echo; fortune;

Re: Is PunBB Suited To My Needs?

There is a mod called "Comment Control" on Punres which I believe is supposed to be a moderation queue of some sort.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.