Topic: sudden 'forbidden' error occuring when attempting to delete users

I've done nothing to the database for weeks, and i've been deleting spam accounts without a problem, but suddenly, when hitting the delete button I'm getting the following message:


You don't have permission to access /board/profile.php on this server.

Any ideas on what could have caused this and how to resolve it?

Re: sudden 'forbidden' error occuring when attempting to delete users

bad mod_security rules, talk to your host

Re: sudden 'forbidden' error occuring when attempting to delete users


thanks. i was a little trigger happy with my post, as i searched and found a similar question.

host emailed.


Re: sudden 'forbidden' error occuring when attempting to delete users


Unfortunately we are unable to assist customers with scripting issues and site development work.

We have a very lively customer forum, where other customers (and some of our staff) are more than willing to assist you with any scripting and development problems or questions you may have.

Please visit our forums below and search or post for answers to your questions:

Is the response I got from my host.

Can someone provide me with a little more info on the specifics/dynamics of the problem so I can go back to them and try again?


Re: sudden 'forbidden' error occuring when attempting to delete users

Tell them it isn't a scripting issue, the mod_security rules on their server are incorrect/old leading to a legitimate script failing to function. There's nothing you can do (unless they refuse to touch the rules and simply give you a way to disable that rule or mod_security as a whole for your domain)