Topic: Converter phpBB -> PunBB
I've been working on a converter for a few days now. The problem is that I don't have any large forum to test it on, so if someone could provide me with a phpBB-forum dump I would be very happy
Otherwise, if you don't want to send it, you maybe can test the converter for me when it's getting finished?
A few questions regarding phpBB's BB-code (it has more than PunBB does):
1. Smileys: Should I remove the ones which doesn't exist in PunBB or just leave them? Example below with list of all phpBB smileys:
:shock: :? 8)
:oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted:
:!: :?: :idea: :arrow:
2. Lists: Remove the list-stuff (not the text) completely, or make a "fake" list as shown below:
· Red
· Blue
· Yellow