Re: PunBB 1.2.14
I was a little far behind as I was running 1.2.11 but just updated using hdiff and works great. Thanks.
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PunBB Forums → News → PunBB 1.2.14
I was a little far behind as I was running 1.2.11 but just updated using hdiff and works great. Thanks.
is it planned to have a full international "compliant" version ?
i mean without any messages in english in all call of the error function ie :
$result = $db->query('SELECT poster_ip FROM '.$db->prefix.'posts WHERE id='.$get_host) or error('Unable to fetch post IP address', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
replaced by
$result = $db->query('SELECT poster_ip FROM '.$db->prefix.'posts WHERE id='.$get_host) or error($lang_common_error['Unable To Fetch IP]', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
and create an English/error.php script that will contain all the error message
thus this will be better to make a complete language pack.
my 2 coins
if i want to update without reinstalling is there a place to go that tells what code is changed/added and where for me to just manually do it?
MikeRulez: Grab the hdiff from the downloads page.
thanks ill check that out. 1 thing i checked it and are the highlighted parts the things i need to copy then paste into my files as the change? or are they just to get me to the area the lines at.?
thanks ill check that out. 1 thing i checked it and are the highlighted parts the things i need to copy then paste into my files as the change? or are they just to get me to the area the lines at.?
see comment #54
MyBestBB ( punbb 1.2.* premod version with 16 mods ) updated to 1.2.14
This update was bigger than previous patches, but seems to be well integrated
( see complete diff here : , comments welcome )
elbekko wrote:You need to change it in your database. It's in the config table.
the real easy simple sql command to do that is:
update config set conf_value='1.2.14' where conf_name='o_cur_version';
I tried this in phpMyAdmin, and it worked (the value of the cell is "1.2.12"), but when I look under Statistics in my Administration it still says "1.2.13"...
@Fabiaan: try deleting the files in your PunBB installation's cache folder.
Thanks for the update !!!
I have seen that in some table (like prefix_posts),
has been changed with
message TEXT,
I guess modification should also be brought to the database, meaning changing NOT NULL to NULL (using Phpmyadmin) or can I just leave the databases as it is ???
You can leave it as it is. The change was to allow install on MySQL 5.0.25 and later.
Any changes in the arabic languge folder ?
Thanks! PunBB.. this is great forum software, moved smf -> PunBB last night
As some of you might have noticed, I didn't update the copyright notice to include the year 2006 because that would affect all scripts (the GPL preamble) and make the diff's huge. It'll be in 1.3.
This means the punbb will change to copyrighted application in the next 1.4 version?
Rickard wrote:..
As some of you might have noticed, I didn't update the copyright notice to include the year 2006 because that would affect all scripts (the GPL preamble) and make the diff's huge. It'll be in 1.3.This means the punbb will change to copyrighted application in the next 1.4 version?
Rickard has always been (and still is) the copyright holder for PunBB. PunBB is released under the GPL and there aren't any plans to change that. The sentence you quoted is simply talking about updating the copyright in the GPL preamble to reflect the current year. There's no change occuring, the copyright notice is simply going to be kept properly up to date
ok, i get it, sorry for misunderstanding..
btw, i still have mod rewrite problem for punbb, could you feel free to help? the below is the problem:
1). I have enabled mod rewrite on my host, how to open rewrite function for punbb, seems like we need edit some files, not only .htaccess.
2). it it possible to rewrite whole punbb site like as the below:
rewrite to:
rewrite to
wait ur message. thanks.
1. 1.3 will have SEF URLs built in. For 1.2, you need to use a mod (check out PunRes)
2. With the right mod_rewrite rules it should be
In any case, if you have any more questions, it would be great if you could create a new topic for them
good suggestions, there's more resources on PunRes. thanks a alot.
1. 1.3 will have SEF URLs built in. For 1.2, you need to use a mod (check out PunRes)
2. With the right mod_rewrite rules it should beIn any case, if you have any more questions, it would be great if you could create a new topic for them
About documentation, the is not up to date :
There are several "1.2.12" in place of "1.2.14" (and a "12_to_1212_update.php" of course).
Sorry to only discover serious problems
(note; the install.html file in 1.2.14 zip package is OK)
About documentation, the is not up to date :
There are several "1.2.12" in place of "1.2.14" (and a "12_to_1212_update.php" of course).
Sorry to only discover serious problems(note; the install.html file in 1.2.14 zip package is OK)
Updated. I must have forgotten it. Thanks.
Quick thanks and a little issue (not in that order)...
The changelog link on the downloads page is broken.
Big buckets of thanks.
[edit] Ooh - where can I find the Hdiff for 1.2.12 - 1.2.13?
[edit2]nm, 'guessed' the url - is there a history link somewhere that I missed? Would it be worth having or am I slower than the average bear?
Quick thanks and a little issue (not in that order)...
The changelog link on the downloads page is broken.
Thanks. Fixed.
[edit] Ooh - where can I find the Hdiff for 1.2.12 - 1.2.13?
[edit2]nm, 'guessed' the url - is there a history link somewhere that I missed? Would it be worth having or am I slower than the average bear?
Well, kinda. There's link at the top of the downloads page to the "Download archive" where you can find the hdiff folder.
Good To Know Punbb Has Reached 1.2.14 now waiting to see 1.3
Thanks for explainig. I solved my problem with this.
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