Topic: Switching forums to new host
I've been using my host for punbb for only about 2 days, and everything is running VERY smooth. The problem is, the school blocked my host for about just NO reason whatsoever (mind that I am making a website for an organization of the school), and so I need to switch hosts.
First off, I have a couple of questions regarding how to make the switch with the forums:
1. Can I just copy and paste the forum directory into my new host? Will everything remain the same?
2. Can I save a database backup, and load it onto my new host's database? (it has a different log in name and database name).
Will it still have all the info about post topics and users?
Thank you for you're time. I would greatly appreciate it if you can reply asap
P.S. I LOVE PUNBB. Most USER-FRIENDLY and EASY PLUG-IN based forum out there.