1 (edited by spid3r 2006-12-01 01:44)

Topic: Switching forums to new host

I've been using my host for punbb for only about 2 days, and everything is running VERY smooth.  The problem is, the school blocked my host for about just NO reason whatsoever (mind that I am making a website for an organization of the school), and so I need to switch hosts.

First off, I have a couple of questions regarding how to make the switch with the forums:
1.  Can I just copy and paste the forum directory into my new host?  Will everything remain the same?
2.  Can I save a database backup, and load it onto my new host's database? (it has a different log in name and database name).
Will it still have all the info about post topics and users?

Thank you for you're time.  I would greatly appreciate it if you can reply asap smile

P.S.  I LOVE PUNBB.  Most USER-FRIENDLY and EASY PLUG-IN based forum out there.

Re: Switching forums to new host

Copy over the database and files. Edit config.php to fit the new db url/user/pass, and don't forget setting the new base url in options.

Re: Switching forums to new host

Alright, thanks man.

4 (edited by spid3r 2006-12-01 03:02)

Re: Switching forums to new host

Okay, nm (srry for double post), but I cant figure out how to save the database and put it into new one.

I save my db on my old one on export, then I import that same file into my new host's phpmyadmin.  Help me sad

it gives me this error:


SQL query:

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Nov 30, 2006 at 10:53 PM
-- Server version: 4.1.11
-- PHP Version: 5.1.7-dev
-- Database: `punbb`

MySQL said: Documentation
#1044 - Access denied for user 'zendurl_eac'@'localhost' to database 'punbb'

My new DB is called zendurl_zendurl0eac
I can't change it hmm

And here is the error on the forum:

Please, help is appreciated smile

Re: Switching forums to new host

Remove the line in the dump that tries to create the database.

6 (edited by spid3r 2006-12-01 03:20)

Re: Switching forums to new host


<3 ya

Thanks a lot for all the help guys smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

punbb > all