Topic: any variable dump online?

Ok, i am not so familiar with svn, but i also think this is the kind of information that could be included in the html documentation.

Is there any document where one can read the variables avaluable when comon.php is included?

For example, where can i get the global forum name? i gave a look over the database reference and i haven't found it.

Re: any variable dump online?

Such things are in $pun_config.
$pun_config['o_board_name'] should return your forum's title.

Re: any variable dump online?

Thank you. The sitemap i promised is ahalf done big_smile
Now i will relax watch a barnyard. tomorrow or so i finnish it.

Just by curiosity, what's with the "o" or "p" before each array element? what do they stand for?

Re: any variable dump online?

o = option
p = permission
It's just the way the config variables are broken down (Admin Options, Admin Permissions)