Topic: News Generator - archive generation issue
I'm using News Generator on my site and I've got it set up to display 5 items at a time. Because of the way the plugin generates archives, if I post more than 5 items in the current month, the older items from that month don't get displayed until the month after.
For example, if I post 10 news items today, I will only be able to view 5 of them. When I generate news again on 1st February, it will make a January archive page with all January items on.
I want to adjust the script to generate the January archive page during January.
It comes down to this line:
while ($year_end > $year_limit || $month_end > $month_limit)
If you change it to
while ($year_end >= $year_limit || $month_end >= $month_limit)
then it will generate the January archive page, but curiously it also generates an html file called 10-01.html as well as 2007-01.html.
Also, it appears to get stuck in an infinite loop.
Does anyone how to fix this issue?
Incidentally, I have also modified my version of punBB so that news is generated automatically after posting/editing/deleting. If anyone's interested I can post details of this once I've fixed this archive issue. Cheers.