Topic: Integrating punportal 2.1 into punbb-1.2.14 etc...
This needs updating as i went through the upgrade process very carefully and took my time integrating punportal in to punbb forums but found several problems. One is that "forums" was missing from menu bar on both the (portal / forum) index pages. Also when clicking on the profile in the portals Forum Statistics you just get a 404 error. I can see that if you hover over the link that the profile number is missing. What you have to do to correct it is a lot of messing about (i know this as Smartys helped me out with this in another thread of mine).
Sort it out guys
Anyway, why cant people just download and install the forum/portal software all in one. It would save all the hassle of having to spend around 20 minutes integrating the dam thing then. Surely it?s easy enough for the developers to put together?
Also, when ever i mess up a mod (say one I haven?t used before) i have to completely start from fresh by restoring all the files from HD to my host and restoring the SQL file using phpmyadmin, but even when doing that your left with a load more errors.
This punbb is becoming a nightmare for me now
Shall i just come back in another 2 years time when its finished
And finally, why is that once i've installed the punbb forum software and check the user list i can see "Chris Powell" id=2 (profile) if i'm the admin of the board and i've just set it up shouldn't i be id=1
It seems to me like there?s a secret user using id1 for testing purposes lmao *tut tut lol