Topic: CSS-styling - posts changing colors bug (rowodd/even)

Hi good people,

I've encountered a problem when trying to changing colors between each post.

Look at this link

The problem shows itself with posts longer than x lines. I'm talking about the background colored box over the on/offline status.

I should warn you I'm a beginner at this so bear with me., .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd, #adminconsole TD, #adminconsole TH {
  border-color: #ffffff
.roweven, .roweven .postfootleft, .roweven .postleft, .roweven .postfootright, .roweven .postright {
 background-color: #dff0ff; 
.roweven h2 {
 background-color: #dff0ff !important; 
.rowodd h2 {
 background-color: #fafafa !important;
.blockpost h2 {
  font-size: .95em !important;

Is the current hack, any idea what that box is called?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Re: CSS-styling - posts changing colors bug (rowodd/even)

That's a clearer div I believe

Re: CSS-styling - posts changing colors bug (rowodd/even)

Smartys wrote:

That's a clearer div I believe

Doesn't seem to work.

Re: CSS-styling - posts changing colors bug (rowodd/even)

Why not just
.roweven * { ... )

5 (edited by abepingvin 2007-04-13 21:21)

Re: CSS-styling - posts changing colors bug (rowodd/even)

elbekko wrote:

Why not just
.roweven * { ... )

* takes everything but that box.

And why I didn't use * ... I'm a noob smile


Re: CSS-styling - posts changing colors bug (rowodd/even)

Look at the css used in the default style sheets. The left column is a fake created by a very wide border on the right column. To colour the background of the left column its the border colour for .postright and .postfootright that needs to be changed.

This is something I've changed for the next version because most people didn't seem to get it.

Re: CSS-styling - posts changing colors bug (rowodd/even)

Cool it works, thanks for all your assistance.