1 (edited by Orvo 2007-07-18 20:52)

Topic: Integrated design with shop-script !

Hello everybody,

After a few days of work and figuring out what goes where, I managed to integrate punbb into my shop-script site design.
I still have to take care of some minore issues in Firefox, but I'm very happy with the result.
The site is online and here: http://www.gsm4all.org - Click the forum link.

If anybody has any questions regarding the modifications done, I'd be glad to share.

Still to do: merge some db tables and hopefully both cpanels.


Re: Integrated design with shop-script !

Very good mate. Fits in nicely.

Re: Integrated design with shop-script !

impressive integration!

FluxBB - Less is more


Re: Integrated design with shop-script !

very good... I am trying to figure out which files to modify to make PunBB fit in my design... would apperciate any tips... thanks
www.senioradvicenetwork.com (for the design I am putting it in) www.senioradvicenetowrk.com/forum


Re: Integrated design with shop-script !

My design integration was done rather easy.
What I have done:
Shop-Script is bases on the smarty template engine, I have not used any default template, but created one for my shop.
I copied my main site's template index file over the forum's main template file (include/template/main.tpl). I then got rid of all the unwanted elements out of the file (like shop-script or smarty tags) and replaced them with punbb's main template codes, keeping the rest of the file intact.
All I had to put in the new file is:







<pun_main> and <pun_footer> have to be within
<div id="punwrap">
<div id="pun<pun_page>" class="pun">


I have then put all of the elements mentioned as code above where I wanted them in the new template file.
The last thing I had to do was to modify some image and css paths, to have it work with the same files as my shop template.
Last was to fine-tune the forum css.

Hope I was somewhat clear ...