1 (edited by ayman 2007-08-16 13:09)

Topic: CSS Generator for PunBB


I would like to integrate some good clean html Templates to use them in our online CSS generator (Sytelsheet Generation 1.9).

We do appreciate it, if you give us a permission to integrate a HTML template for your forum, so that everybody can design his own PunBB forum by loading it in Sytelsheet Generation.
A list of all tags and elements will be automatically red from the template and will be shown in a new window. SSG is based on Ajax (the prototype).

Thanks a lot smile


2 (edited by Utchin 2007-08-16 13:15)

Re: CSS Generator for PunBB

i belive you can

pun bb is under The GNU General Public License. In short terms this means that PunBB is free to download, use, distribute, modify and even charge for. However, if any of these modifications are released to the public, that code must also be released under the same license as PunBB.

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.


Re: CSS Generator for PunBB

Thanx for the quick answer smile

Sytelsheet generation is free to use and even download (open source GPL license) but what I actually need is something like the start panel of this forum, so that everyone can see live the css changes done.
What I really want to integrate is for example this url: http://punbb.org/forums/index.php and php will do the rest.



Re: CSS Generator for PunBB

There already is a CSS generator for PunBB : http://www.jsand.net/spinkbb/?lang=en

Re: CSS Generator for PunBB

ayman, the main.tpl file is what you want to work on.... that is where the css template code will go and effect the look and feel of the forum

http://hsv-netcom.com i took a css template and wraped punbb inside of it..
a complete wrap with punbb css example:


My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!