punbb congrats on your new release!!!
1 2007-04-03 06:09
Re: PunBB 1.2.14 (95 replies, posted in News)
2 2007-04-03 06:07
Re: PhpBB 3 shows its face (28 replies, posted in General discussion)
I would never, ever, NEVER go back to phpBB.
I like punBB so much!!
I've stated this before, and it bears repeating: Using phpBB required you to visit their website for a frigging DIB {Daily Intelligence Brief}
... and even then, you could never catch up with number of hackers that had the latest 'patch' already HACKED!!
BooooooHisssssssssssss .....
lol. I agree with you. phpbb is full of security holes.
Much better off going with something like punbb then software thats not as secure.