Cool it works, thanks for all your assistance.

elbekko wrote:

Why not just
.roweven * { ... )

* takes everything but that box.

And why I didn't use * ... I'm a noob smile

Smartys wrote:

That's a clearer div I believe

Doesn't seem to work.

Hi good people,

I've encountered a problem when trying to changing colors between each post.

Look at this link

The problem shows itself with posts longer than x lines. I'm talking about the background colored box over the on/offline status.

I should warn you I'm a beginner at this so bear with me., .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd, #adminconsole TD, #adminconsole TH {
  border-color: #ffffff
.roweven, .roweven .postfootleft, .roweven .postleft, .roweven .postfootright, .roweven .postright {
 background-color: #dff0ff; 
.roweven h2 {
 background-color: #dff0ff !important; 
.rowodd h2 {
 background-color: #fafafa !important;
.blockpost h2 {
  font-size: .95em !important;

Is the current hack, any idea what that box is called?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.