Yep. I was right...I was being stupid and missing something that (in retrospect) should be really obvious. (I hadn't modified the permissions for the guest group from the default, which -- sensibly for most people but not for me -- is set to read-only.)


I've got a forum I'm considering migrating to PunBB, but there's a problem. I can't figure out how to enable guests (that is, unregistered and unauthenticated users) to post.

I've found (but not installed, yet!) a CAPTCHA-based mod to help control the spam problem that will undoubtedly be associated with this decision, but even running the virgin install from the latest PunBB distribution (I downloaded it less than an hour ago, and it's not an upgrade from a previous ought to be as pristine an environment as possible), I can't see an option anywhere to post as a guest, despite the fact that I've read a bunch of posts here from people having problems turning it OFF.

I'm probably just being stupid and missing something really obvious. But if anyone here could tell me what I'm missing, I'd be most appreciative.