(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I created 2 discussions, because I believed that there were 2 problems. But the cause of 2 was the same - the Search table in database.

Here are 2 discussions:
http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=16365 (mine)
I found the solution in coolhd's post (about chineese caracters) - the WORD line in search_words table has to be changed from Varchar to Varbinary.

For me - it works!

It's ok now wink

I found it in the topic you recommended to me - the WORD line in search_words table changed from Varchar to Varbinary. And that's it

Thanks to all


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

coolhd wrote:

I have a discussion about using MySQL4.1 with UTF-8, and you can see some snapshot in that article.
Sorry for the snapshot was in chinese,but you can see something keyword.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/ … ysql41.jpg

1. modify table "search_words" , and change the field "word" type from "varchar" to "varbinary".

2. edit file "/include/dblayer/common_db.php"

$db->query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'");

in the last line,then save it.



It worked for me - I work with french caracters - àéèêç


Thanks. After reading this topic, it seems that the problem is not solved sad

Thank you very much for your interest!

For your info - I changed collation to UTF8_general and in common.php it's also UTF8

Smartys wrote:

I saw the issue in one forum, but me making a post/deleting it fixed it
I think your issue is that when you make a post and get the search indexing error, update_forum isn't called.

Any idea how can I fix it? :s

I made some tests now - if it's Administrator that writes something - the message will be visible. If it's user, then possibly not.

It is quite new, and there is very few posts, so please make a test in the "autres" category, so I can find it and delete it, without beeing too "visible" for the visitors.

On the same forum, you can see the problem "Unable to fetch ... search", if you try to write "èfèfèfèf" (it doesn't mean anything, but illustates well the problem that we have wink)

Both from post.php and viewtopic.php


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

misscolombo wrote:
Rickard wrote:

For some reason, you have mixed collations for different tables in your PunBB database. This is not something that happens on its own.

I have a same problem. Just checked - all tables have same collation . latin1_swedish_ci, and in language common.php encoding = uft-8

anyone can help me?

Thanks in advance !!

I try to test different situations:

èèèèèèèèèè - it is ok, the post is registered
aaaaaaaaaa - it is ok

aèaèaèaèaèaèa . "unable to fetch..."

Any idea?


I'm a new user and I have some problems:

On my index page, I see the list of categories, forums and on the right side number of discussions, messages and last message writer. BUT, it is visible only for SOME messages.

In one category, you can see discussions:0, messages:o, but when I open the category, I see that there are 3 discussions, many answers.

Can you see where the problem is?


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Rickard wrote:

For some reason, you have mixed collations for different tables in your PunBB database. This is not something that happens on its own.

I have a same problem. Just checked - all tables have same collation . latin1_swedish_ci, and in language common.php encoding = uft-8

anyone can help me?

Thanks in advance !!