Im looking for a personalized profile mod.  I want to make the profile the central station for users to get all the website information.  Ive seen lots of good mod's i can add to the profile section but i also want to be able to lay it out different.

I was looking at the profile.php.  How hard would it be to make a .tpl layout for this page and have it use that instead?  It wouldnt be that hard to make another css for the page or make the tpl but wouldnt the profile.php have to be redone ??

I want to give my members options of different layouts and color schemes just for thier profiles as well as show them all the other things they can do to thier profile.  i was also looking for commenting on profiles but didnt find anything in my search.

I looked all over my pun folder looking for a profile.tpl but didnt find one and after looking at the profile.php it looks as if the layout for it is in that page.  If anyone knows of a easy way to do this please let me know.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

You did a very good job with the color scheme.  I love green big_smile


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

It looks really nice.  smile  Are you going to port your theme to your gallery?

grr1d wrote:

whenever i try to access lottery.php, bank.php, or donate.php

i get this error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/.noe/dinosaurs/ on line 21

any idea what is going on?

Im getting the same exact error.  Anyone know how to fix this?

Edit:  I found out why i was getting this error. Open cash.php and go to line 19.  Its missing a , at the end of that line.  All other lines have that but that one.  So add it to that line and it should work for you.  Mine is working great now!  Super mod!

Ive tried this but im not getting anything.  Nothing gets posted to my forum from wordpress.  Is there a way to set this when you want it to be posted to that specific forum or every time you post its going to go in that forum??

I first want to say what a awesome plugin!!  It works perfectly!   It took me a bit to get it working properly.  A few errors and reinstalls.  But it works good now.

I have WordPressMU and Coppermine both working with Punbb.  Now thanks to this plugin users only have to register once.  That saves alot of time and aggrevation.

To get it to work this is how i did it.
1.  I edited the Jl-punbb file.  There are some things in here you want to pay close attention to.  I didnt the first few times and thats why it wouldnt work for me.

These two lines have to be edited right:

define('PUNPATH', '/home/mydomainname/public_html/forum'); // path to punbb folder

When it asks for the path it doesnt want the http reference it wants that folder layout from the server to your forum path.  So you need to figure out your path.  You can usually see this in your control panel.  Where it tells you what version of php and such your running then it shows the path to the php.  It also shows the public_html path there as well.  ( usually, not always )

So i put the direct path in mine to get it working.  You can do .../forum that would work to.  You put as many dots ( . ) as needed to get to that folder.  Like with mine i would go through three folders to get to the forum folder.

Now you need to see what this says here because when you install your punbb, or if you have already installed it, then you need to know this.  Because it will look for this prefix to your punbb tables.  If you named your punbb table prefix something else then you would need to edit this line here.  I didnt.  I named mine on a fresh install exactly as its wrote here.  You can look in your sql tables with your phpmyadmin to see the prefix if your not sure.

define('PUNPREFIX', 'pun_'); // punBB table prefix

2.  Then I uploaded the Jl-punbb plugin to WordPress plugin directory.  I didnt activate it yet cause as soon as you do it starts working.

3.  I edited the profile and the register file.  I didnt edit the login file at first cause it kept redirecting me back to wordpress and that annoyed me cause i was getting errors with it so after the third time of trying i just didnt edit the login file to save me some trouble till i got it working.

4.  Then i activated it.  As soon as you activate it , try registering a user in your WordPress and then go to your forum to see if the new name appeared.  Hopefully you wont get any errors if everything works now.

It is working for me now.  I  register in my WordPress and it carries over to my Punbb and my Coppermine.  I love it!

Now i do have some questions about this plugin tho.  Is there a way to make the password's the same or are they the same with this plugin?  Because i know when you first register on punbb that it randomly generates a password for you.  So i was just wondering if it uses the same password from the WordPress or if it registers you in Punbb with a random one?? Anyone know?