(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


Congratulations and compliments to all the developers and users. I really like PunBB!

Here's one brand new forum using PunBB: http://corpoemente.info
It's a health/body/mind related forum. Its language is portuguese.
Not many mods installed except sitemap and newpunrewrite.

I'm a minimalistic freak so, you won't see anything unless it's absolutely necessary.
You will notice the absence of numbers. wink Less is more!

Beware: lots of green... if it's not your color, skip it. smile
I intend to provide different color schemes to registered users.

I've used a grand total of... 2 images totaling 1KB!
The index page is 20KB. It could be less but Google Analytics script is 6KB... sad

Best wishes of success to you all! smile