Not really smile

I'd like to have a new mod on my site. Anyone who wants to create it will get a reward (cash)... We can agree on the price.

I'll explain a bit how it has to be:
This is my site... And it has to look like this approximately. (not everything should be on the mod)
There also has to be a plugin file in the admin section where you can add wars and edit settings.

Anyone who's interested can send me an email and then I can give you more information too...

Hmm I want this big_smile


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Looks good smile


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

nice skin!

Hmm I've a question on this mod.

If you go to my uploader ( and upload a file.. then the layout is completly messed up after you upload..

Anyone knows how to fix this?

(Link updated.. didn't work)

Download the latest version?

Ok. Thanks smile I'll try to find out the problem

Anyway you can connect on my chatroom?

EDIT: Problem solved smile It was my computer! lol


Nice smile

But it doesn't connect to sad

[14:49] Connecting... 
[14:49] Unable to connect : : access denied ( resolve)

Yeah.. it sends the link of the topic to an email address I guess

Works perfect.. Only the thing with the image verification and cPanel didn't work. So I deleted that part.

Now I would like to know how you can change the name of the sender of the email.
Atm it's 'Automailer', any way to change it?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I like the colors.. smile

The only thing is that you have 2 places to login now, and 2 menus smile

Ok.. I made it so it sends a PM to me instead of a topic in a forum... I ask too much smile this probably requires much editting in the punbb files

What do I have to do so people may not read the topics in a forum... But only post topics there.

In the admin panel, when I give everyone permission to post in that specific forum but not read it, then they get an error when they want to post a topic (because they don't have acces to read it)

I need this for articles in my forum. I let people only create topics (so articles) in a forum, and a mod or admin has to review that topic and approve it to be published to everyone (so he has to move it to another forum which everyone can see)

Is this possible? If yes, how?

Thanks in advance...

You can see what I mean here:

When you click on 'Post an article' then it has to go to the page when you would click on 'create a topic' but it says: Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.
That's because you have no permission to read that forum

I hope i'm clear enough... Difficult to explain this.

This is the corrected english language file...
And I suggest to use a file 'install_mod.php' and to adjust the file 'gallery.php' a bit so people can use the prefix they want for that sql-table
If you need it I can give you some help with it

(The script isn't working when I try it wink -> DB error)


// Language definitions used in gallery.php
$lang_gallery = array(

// Navigation and sections
'Page Title'            =>    'Gallery',
'Error Annonce'            =>    'Error:',
'Navigation'            =>    'Navigation:',
'Page Desc Up'            =>    'Send an image',
'Page Desc Gal'            =>    'Every images sent by members',
'Title Form'            =>  'Title:',
'Desc Form'            =>  'Description:',
'Img Form'            =>  'Your image:',
'Button Up'            =>  'Download',
'Add Time'            =>  'Sent at:',
'Add By'            =>  'by:',
'Add image'            =>  '[Add an image]',
'Moderation'            =>  '[Mod images]',
'Modo_del'            =>  '[Delete image]',

// Miscellaneous
'Upload Ok'            =>  'Your image has been correctly sent.',
'Post Title'            =>  'Post an image in the gallery',
'Image Info'            =>  'Type details of the image',
'Image Use'            =>  '<strong>Use:</strong><br />The form below allows you to send an image into the site\'s gallery. The extension must be GIF or JPG, with a maximum size of <MAX_SIZE>. Don\'t forget to add a title and a little description',
'Image Regle'            =>  '<strong>Caution:</strong><br />The admin has the right to delete your image without notice.',
'Image Desc'            =>  '(Write a short description of your image)',
'Del Ok'                =>    'Image has been successfully deleted.',

// Error
'Error Guest'                =>    'Only members can add images in the gallery.',
'Error Title'                =>    'You have to fill in the title.',
'Error Description'                =>    'You have to fill in a description.',
'Error Too large ini'                =>    'File too large. Server refuses download.',
'Error Too large'                =>    'File\'s size exceeds the maximum allowed.',
'Error Partial upload'                =>    'File partially downloaded. Try again.',
'Error No file'                =>    'You didn\'t select any file to download.',
'Error No tmp directory'                =>    'PHP couldn\'t save the file in a temporary directory.',
'Error No good file'                =>    'The type of the file isn\'t allowed. (Only GIF & JPG)',
'Error Move failed'                =>    'Server couldn\'t save downloaded file. Contact the admin.',
'Error Visu failed'                =>    'Label\'s creation has failed.',
'Error Unknown failure'                =>    'Unknown error. Try again.',
'Error Del'                =>    'Deleting of image has failed.',
'Error FTP connect'                =>    'FTP connection has failed. Please try again later!',

Someone wants to translate it to english? smile

I think you have to talk English here...

Looks nice smile Waiting for someone to translate it to english now smile I'm not very good in french.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Paul wrote:

#punindex .blocktable {MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0}
#punindex THEAD {DISPLAY: none}
#punindex #idx1 THEAD {DISPLAY: table-header-group}

ok thanks will try it out

Connorhd, yes, that's what I tried to do smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm doing heavy modifications on my forum...
I'm changing the layout and the style.

But now I have a problem...

The first image is how I want it and the second image is how it is now..
When I create a second forum.. How can I make it so it won't display the 'forum-topics-posts-last post' again?

Anyone interested in modifying kroozearcade to make it possible to run on PunBB?

It's maybe a bigger project.. It requires much editting.
Now it's a E107 plugin.

You can find the files here:

With Kroozearcade you are able to play much games written in flash. This plugin makes a list of highscores of all members which played that game.. You've to try to beat them etc.. It's very nice made.
You are also able to add more games. There's a site where you can find them.. And you just have to add them throught the admin menu.
I can't give you an example because i'm not running E107 smile


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

go to your admin area... Click on the submenu 'Forums' and check 'Admins/moderators only' you want and save smile Simple


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I would like to change the link style if an Admin or Moderator is online on the site.

For example:

When a normal user is online then it's normal displayed on the 'Who is online'-list
But when an admin is online I want it underlined or bold or something else...


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

You may release the skin on PunBB Resource if you want.