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I made a new skin so it looked good with the layout of the site.
I changed the navigation link of the forum. I made buttons of the links. (One problem though... only the button 'Home' is working as it should be... And when logged in, 2 buttons of 7 aren't working, strange)
Well... There are also a lot of other modifications on our forums.
I also have the newssystem which was posted here on PunBB. Topics created in 'Announcements' are automatically shown on the page 'Home'
The other pages of the site are under contruction
I want to integrate the forums on my site. So you can browse the forums through my site.
Is there any way of doing this? with including or something. (including the index file of the forums only shows the index included but not whole the forum)
I searched on this forums if someone already asked this. And something was said about a FAQ. Well I don't see a faq here somewhere.
I hope anyone can help me,
Thanks in advance.
lol thanks
Hey pgregg.
I see... Well I'll add that 'ORDER BY' if I know how
I still have a little problem....
My newssystem takes the topics from a forum with 'post only'
The news shows up the content of that first post in a topic then. ok... still good.
But when someone replies in that topic, the news shows up that reply and not the first post!
This must be changed
Thank you very much!!!
Everything works fine. I tested your stylesheet.
And the newssystem is integrated on a page. Only thing left changing the layout a bit
Ok after some searching I found out. Didn't read the first post well here.
But another question. How do I put that news in a layout? with tables and that stuff.
I don't get it... I'm a noob in this things.
How can I just let the 'news' display on a page?
What do I have to do then.
I have to create a new file? And what should I put in it...
I implemented other smilies in my forums. But they are bigger than the normal ones.
But on the forums they are displayed with the size of the normal smilies. so now they don't look good anymore.
Is there a way to display them bigger on the forums? Where can you change the limit
Thx, it works
Nope. Only one link.
I want a link displayed in the navigation bar and if you click on it a popup opens.
I've tried this a few times but it doesn't work. Can someone help me?
$links[] = '<a href="register.php">'.$lang_common['Register'].'</a> | <a href="login.php">'.$lang_common['Login'].'</a>' ;
I want the textlink after 'Login'
This is the code for the popup below. If I add this, then it says 'Parse Error' ...
<a href="blablabla.html" onclick="'blablabla.html','blablabla',
'width=200,height=100,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,location=yes'); return false">Textlink</a>
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