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Greetings. I am using the nice View/Hide Category PunBB Mod here: … readme.txt
I want to create copies of the index.php for all my Categories which will display only one Category at a time. If I mark only the first Category visible via this MOD, index.php shows only this first Category, which is fine. But I want another page which shows only the second Category and another page which shows only the third Category and so on. Is this possible by using your MOD. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Greetings. Thanks, I found the solution.
Anyone can help or guide me on this one? Is this even possible? Thanks.
I checked the Soonotes mod. I think I now know what I need exactly. I need a simple MOD to make the posts in a specific forum appear like a blog, appearing in descending order by date with full post text, titles of each post linked to their anchors in their respective topics, comment on this post link at the bottom of each post, and pagination (10 full posts on each page) which is already present in PunBB viewforum.php. Does something like this already exist?
Thanks for showing the sBlog. But I have already setup my PunBB forum with many mods and it is still very fast. I just want to duplicate the same PunBB forum setup but with a Blog style for my Blog.
Greetings. PunBB 1.2.x is so fast and light that I now find wordpress, blogger etc. too slow for even my blogging requirements. Neither can I find any other blog script which is faster than PunBB. I want to use PunBB for my blog. For this, I would need a Blog type style for PunBB. Does anything like it already exist and would be it be possible to build a style with a blog-like interface for PunBB? Thanks for any help.
Is there a standard robots.txt file for PunBB which is SE friendly and prevents spidering duplicate forum pages, admin pages etc. and prevents spam bots etc.? Thank you.
html is already on for the admin usergroup from the Admin panel.
No, it does not work. The js code is as follows:
<script type='text/javascript' src="silverlight.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="wmvplayer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cnt = document.getElementById("container");
var src = 'wmvplayer.xaml';
var cfg = {
var ply = new jeroenwijering.Player(cnt,src,cfg);
It works on a normal html page. But in the forum post, it does not show the video play button at all. Maybe even though Allow HTML does not remove these js code still it does not parse it properly I think. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can someone please kindly help me for this? I need to embed Silverlight wmv videos in the posts and one cannot do it without js. I already have the Allow HTML mod for allowing html for specified usergroups. Thank you in advance.
Can anyone please answer my previous question? Thank you.
Thanks. Is it ok if I just make the changes in the files without upgrading the database by running the db upgrader script? Or can I please know only the specific db query which has to be run for upgrading from 1.2.16 to 1.2.17?
My mods have added some extra tables in the mysql database. Will the db upgrader script keep those while upgrading the 1.2.16 db to 1.2.17 or remove them?
(1) Is it possible to get a step by step tutorial about the exact code changes in the changed files from 1.2.16 so that I can do them manually. These changed files on My PunBB have been modded so I have to do the changes manually.
(2) Also, my mods have added some extra tables in the mysql database. Will the db upgrader script keep those while upgrading the 1.2.16 db to 1.2.17 or remove them?
(3) I don't mind if the version number remains as 1.2.16. Are there any other bug fixes in the db upgrader script? Can I leave out the db upgradation? Thanks.
How do I allow javascript in posts for Admin (me) only. I need it badly to embed flash videos and other things with <script></script> tags. Can someone please guide me? Thank you.
Hello. I want to insert some javascript right below the <body> tag on all forum pages. It does not work if I insert it anywhere else. I searched the header.php, functions.php, common.php, index.php but cannot find the exact body tag location anywhere. Please help me to find it. Thank you.
[I want to insert the js code right here]
<div id="punwrap">
<div id="punindex" class="pun">
<div id="brdheader" class="block">
<div class="box">
Greetings. How do I hide specific forums in the forum home page? Thanks.
Does such a MOD exist? If not, can anyone please make it? I want it to be able to add a new user with password from the admin panel and the registration details with the password should be automatically sent to the user email specified while adding that user. Additionally adding multiple users at one time will be great if possible but not so important. Thanks.
Thanks Smatys. Which column should I change and to what?
The following errors need to be corrected before the message can be posted:
* Posts cannot be longer that 65535 characters (64 KB).
Some of my posts are longer than 64 KB. Please help me to remove this limit. Where do I change this? Thank you.
Thanks, it works.
Greetings. I am searched on my PunBB for the word "combination". There is a topic with "combination" in the topic title but it does not display that topic. This happens for quite a few other words. What should I do and how to fix this problem with Search? Is there a way to refresh the search cache or something? Thanks in advance.
Can you please tell us what exact code to add in our post.php file? My post.php file is modded so I cannot just replace my file with yours. I tried the few lines of code below the message box but it gives an error. Are there any other changes in the post.php?
I still have a line break problem with this Alex's mod. I have trying to find a solution for weeks but nothing till now. Please help.
The above code displays all the html perfectly in the RSS feed including flash objects, img src, ahref links etc. which is great. But all the post content is jumbled up in a big paragraph i.e. it strips out all the line breaks in the posts. I tried the changes suggested in this topic but they lead to another problem. The line breaks are displayed but then all the html appears only in the post body as code and does not display the flash objects, photos etc. Alex says he has modified to support the formatting but he has not published an update. I know the solution must be simple but I don't know what it is. Can anyone please help! I have been waiting for weeks. Eagerly awaiting some help.
widgEditor is very small and light. I have downloaded it but don't know how to integrate it with PunBB. Please help with a small MOD with instructions on how to use for the PunBB post page.
Presently it shows the global forum description below the title in the Google Search Results (for any word) for each viewtopic page spidered by Google. This is a big minus and it discourages the searcher to visit the forum site. How can I ensure that the Google Search Results will show a small extract of actually the text in the first post of the topic so that people are encouraged to visit my punbb forum?
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