(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Something I didn't pick up on:
A regular rewrite failure just has a blank white page: this is something else.

And yes, I got your details, I'm checking it out now but I may have to finish later in the day.

Which where is the 'right place' to set it so that the session stays active as long as the user does something within the timeout period set?

check_cookie, as you guessed.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Take a look at the footer, the links should be there.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Are you sure you don't have any extensions installed? Have you modified any other files to change the rewrite rules? Because those are the default rewrite rules from SVN, but the results I'm getting from testing your server aren't consistent with every other server I've tested on and aren't even consistent within your own server (eg: if you're having this issue with the post URL, you should be having the same issue with the topic URL, but you're not).
To debug any more, I would need FTP access to your site.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Hmm, any chance you could give me FTP access to your site to test out how that's working?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Those are part of the language file, which you are always allowed to edit. wink

No, since there is no difference on my computer.

Try fixing the HTML validation errors and see if that makes a difference?

It's barely noticeable on the screenshot and it's not noticeable at all on my computer. wink

No problem, glad to hear it's working smile

If all you're doing is replacing time() + 31536000 with time() + 1, then you're doing it wrong. Expiration is still set to 0 if save_pass is disabled. I was fairly clear that you needed to replace the entire ternary statement, not just change one output wink

No, when I say "all over" I mean "anywhere where we're setting a login cookie"

Looks like mod_security is the issue, oddly enough. I would love to see what mod_security rules they're using...

File a ticket wink

Hmm, no, that's the 500 error trying to load an error document ("Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.")

Hmm, that's the likeliest possibility, since nothing has changed on your end. However, we would need to see the error log to tell for sure. wink

And the workaround, if it turns out that is the issue, is to talk to your host and get them to fix it. Just confirm the problem first/

Well, 1.3 will certainly be better in that regard: I wrote an example extension (it's in the 1.3 Beta talk forum if you want to take a look at it) to demonstrate how it would be done from the PunBB side. The code is somewhat applicable to 1.2 in that someone could take it, make it work with 1.2, and put it in similar places in login.php.

..then what should happen is the session cookie should expire after the # of seconds set, and also if/when the browser is closed...
Is this correct?

No. You either have a cookie that expires after a set number of seconds or a cookie that expires when the browser closes. Not both (you can have both, but it involves more server side code).

1. I don't know why that would be. Keep in mind you're not just changing this one place in the code, the assumption is all over.
2. That was what you should be doing by editing files in the way I described.
3. No
4. Instead of doing the ternary statement, you just set it to a constant time() + 1800.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Google and many other search engines look at the meta description tag as a way to allow the webmaster to give input on what a good description for the page is. They may not always honor that description verbatim, but if it's good enough they'll use at least part of it.

Well, very nice smile
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

However, I do have one request to make: it seems like the people who developed Kookaburra unintentionally violated the GPL by removing the original copyrights in the code (moving it to COPYRIGHT.php is not equivalent, unfortunately). For copyright reasons those do need to remain intact if you're going to be distributing copies of the source. You can obviously add your own stuff to it, as you already do, but the original PunBB copyright needs to stay intact.

You then set the time to time() + 1800 rather than to 0.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Could you disable any extensions you're using and then try it? If that fails to work, could you paste the contents of your include/rewrite_rules.php file?

I'm going to close this, since the idea SuperMAG suggested has been shown to be infeasible and the new discussion topic has become "bash SuperMAG" tongue

And to answer the original question (which I think I'm correctly interpreting as: how much is left to be done before the software is bug free and thus read for a release?), not a whole lot but enough to keep us busy. tongue


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Perfect. I'll make the change now. smile

delete from prefixconfig where conf_name="o_max_users_online" or conf_name="o_max_guests_online"
where prefix is your db prefix


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

include/functions.php, the generate_navlinks function wink


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Clicking on the "logout" link redirects to the forums.php, and does not log out sad (Any suggestions ?)

That means you didn't apply the hdiff correctly or you added more logout links somewhere. 1.2.17 introduced a new parameter, the CSRF token, that you need to add to the link. The hdiff adds it in the generate_navlinks function.