Make sure the cache folder is chmodded so that files can be written to it. If in doubt, try 777.
If there are .php files already there, try deleting them

That's a 404 error: make sure you're looking in the right folder


(21 replies, posted in Programming)

pedrotuga wrote:

ok... i will insist...
smartys... you said yourself that no slashes are necessary to perform an injection. Knowing this, how can a adslashes be enough?

Yes, if you're expecting an integer and don't use intval or an equivalent function I can perform an SQL inject.
There is no function that will magically make everything safe. You need to know what you're expecting and deal with each type correctly.

A plugin can't modify the core of PunBB and therefore could not fulfill your request
In 1.3, there will be extensions which can modify the core using a hook system, thereby allowing your request to be possible

I'm going to close this, since you already have all the possibilities

Out of curiosity, what alternatives are there to "line-based patches"?

There's no way to change the style for just the admin interface


(21 replies, posted in Programming)

Rickard wrote:

magic_quotes is evil. In my opinion, it causes more problems than it solves. In PunBB, we check if magic_quotes_gpc is on and if it is, we run stripslashes() on everthing in $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE. Now we know that stuff hasn't been escaped. We then run the database specific escape function before we insert it into the database. If PunBB only supported MySQL, we could just as well run addslashes(), but addslashes causes some problems with SQLite or PostgreSQL (can't remember which).

SQLite appears to be the one with issues, but PostgreSQL has a comment which seems to suggest addslashes is a bad idea as well
And as for why addslashes isn't a good choice as opposed to a DB specific one (for MySQL, in this case):

The codes are not added during the migration: phpBB puts them in. It filters them out when parsing, but they're in your database smile

The chances of your database being messed up like that are unlikely
I do think I know the problem though
Try adding this to the top of the plugin (after define('PUN_PLUGIN_LOADED', 1);)


Cache doesn't affect the user table.
If you're sure that they actually aren't getting the emails (as opposed to the email being put in a spam filter, etc) talk to your host: they may throttle you when you try to send too many emails


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Upgrading from 1.1

In order to upgrade from PunBB 1.1.* to 1.2.14, you must first update your current installation to 1.2. Download PunBB 1.2 from the downloads page and follow the upgrade instructions in the included install.html.

Make sure you've applied this changeset to your viewtopic.php

Did you install the attachment mod by any chance?

That's the wrong query … ctions.php
Line 150

What version of PunBB are you running, btw? Guests don't affect the online indicator except in a bugged version of 1.2.6 (or something like that)


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


(66 replies, posted in General discussion)

Upload was the wrong word, since you're probably using this on the computer you're writing on. Just copy the upload folder into the htdocs folder

Try using the DB Management plugin to restore your backup

Make sure you edited $db_type into the global variable declaration.

Then something is wrong with your setup: the code has worked perfectly fine for everyone else who has applied it.

Take a look at this

You mean you deleted your whole users table?
Unless you or your host have backups, there's nothing that can be done

soonotes: If you don't add the index, then the changed code makes no difference
And from Googling for that error, it's not actually an error, it's a phpMyAdmin issue: I assume that's what you were using?

Yes, you can drop the column: that would be the way to fully undo what install_mod.php did


(66 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you try to connect to MySQL without specifying a username you might get that error: otherwise, there should be no issue


(66 replies, posted in General discussion)

When do you get that error?

I don't get a redirect either