
(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

config.php wink


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

What error do you get?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Template files wink

Looks fine to me (although I'm not logged in)...

Ah, I see: apparently, htmlentities (like & #80; (minus the space) can be used, causing people to have names that look identical)

Edit: Apparently, it works in more than usernames tongue


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


repair table punbb_users

sorry tongue


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Same deal, but replace "users" with "posts"


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You need to repair your users table
You can do that via phpMyAdmin, via the DB management plugin, or by running the SQL command:

repair punbb_users;


(36 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

lol, very nicely said smile
And welcome tongue


(36 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Shinryu wrote:

I wasn't talking to you, was I?  Are you the spokesman for the group?

Well, no, but he's a moderator here, the person who runs MyPunBB.org, and a very active poster here: in other words, he knows what he's talking about.
You might want to read this post: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=4901#p4901
Or this page: http://punbb.org/about.php

Shinryu wrote:

I use PunBB because it's relatively light, but the lack of functions fucking pisses me off.

relatively light = lack of functions

Shinryu wrote:

The fact that multiple people request something, yet it never gets implimented, is also irksome.  Oh, it is completely possible for a software package to be light while having useful features.  It's more like Rickard just doesn't want to fuck with coding what people really want.

Or that mob rule is never the right way to run anything wink

Shinryu wrote:

If you knew how to read, you'd also see that I would get vB, but I'm not willing to pay for it.

Then you have no excuse to complain: you get what you pay for tongue

You can change it if you want to make it appear every 10 posts: however, keep in mind that you're allowed a max of 3 ad blocks per page: someone with, say, 40 posts per page (if that's possible) would have 4.


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Except it would be useless for a good deal of forums, and thus bloat tongue
If you want it, you can find a mod or just use an RSS feed tongue


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes: make it so Guests can't read, turn off registration, and download the User Management plugin (so you can manually create accounts)


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm not mocking them, it's obvious false advertising wink
I'd ask them to take a look at it and figure it out

        if (strlen($email) > 50 || !preg_match('/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"\']+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"\']+)*)|("[^"\']+"))@((\[\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\d\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/', $email))
                error('The administrator e-mail address you entered is invalid. Please go back and correct.');

That's the if statement, it (should be) the same thing as in email.php


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

21 * 20 = 420
420 emails is still a large number

Stolen from get_title(), so it may not work perfectly

    global $pun_bans, $lang_common;
    static $ban_list;

    // If not already built in a previous call, build an array of lowercase banned usernames
    if (empty($ban_list))
        $ban_list = array();

        foreach ($pun_bans as $cur_ban)
            $ban_list[] = strtolower($cur_ban['username']);

    // If the user is banned
    if (in_array(strtolower($user['username']), $ban_list))
        $user_title = $lang_common['Banned'];

I knew I'd done this before! tongue

Tell me if it doesn't match current code and I'll write it again wink


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Erm, he posted < 1 hour after your post
You found the answer before you posted? hmm

Probably unrelated to the mod install, you need to repair your posts table (can be done via the MySQL command: repair posts)


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Install any PHP software, No limitations.

That's a lie if they block .tpl files tongue


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Erm, using PUN_ROOT like that wouldn't work tongue
If I was on forums.punbb.org, the URL would become forums.punbb.org/home/account/forums/[insert rest of URL here]

o_base_url would work tongue

You can import a backup into phpMyAdmin, I do it all the time wink


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

No, but it could also be that they're killing certain PHP functions, causing the check to fail wink


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Lets use this site as an example
http://punbb.org/forums/search.php?action=show_24h gives me 24 topics. Which means there are at least 24 new posts, but a lot more in reality. Lets just say 30, which is probably too low.

Total number of registered users: 5719

5719 * 30 = 171,570
That is the number of emails that this site would send per day

Plus, no one has a legitimate need to see all the posts in this forum: would you want to see the stuff in the Test forum?

In other words, yes, it is clutter, since sending out 5719 emails for every post consumes a lot of resources

1. I don't think so
2. That means the image couldn't be loaded
like here. Just a timeout on the user's end