
(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

You want to use the same user table, but have nothing else the same?

I'll take a look when I get home smile

Well, you could change search_id to an auto_increment, alter the query to not insert search_id, and truncate the table smile

Calico: Well, that defies odds hmm

$search_id = mt_rand(1, 2147483647);

That's the line that creates the search id. Basically, you're somehow getting the same random number

Yes, see how this one installs.
It should be fine, except any line-numbers may be a little off.

I have a feeling this isn't in the right area (this is for the admin/mod plugins that go in the plugin dir) tongue

Well, it looks like your webserver doesn't have permission to write in the directory where you're putting the DB file.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)



(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

I believe Rickard said in the thread that he was missing one of the patches for 1.2.6 (the one where you needed register_globals on)


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Nephets: Having never used the colored usergroups mod, I can guess that you should pretty much replicate whatever you did to viewtopic.php wink

In the code, in the pun_mail function, replace $pun_config['o_mailing_list'] with the email address (enclosed in 's)

Yes wink


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

lol tongue


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

lol, it's not that hard, if you have cron jobs tongue
Just run a script every 10 minutes that checks that you still have admin big_smile


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

1.1.5 I think you mean wink
And no, there are security bugs that affect the 1.1.5 line as well. You might want to just take a look at what changes were made and see if they affect you example


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

They have to add it in, I don't think Rickard can just go and add PunBB in tongue


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Wow, this is the oddest topic I've ever read tongue


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

*cough*silent edit*cough*


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Rickard wrote:

such as Smartys or Savant

I am not a template system tongue
But I did find my name much cooler when I first heard about Smarty big_smile


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)



Looks fine to me now
But error 28 = disk full wink
That means you used up your MySQL diskspace

Looks fine to me... (although going to http://www.dankster.org/indie redirects me to http://dankster.drazin.org/indie)


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

There isn't a way to stop people from doing things to the database manually tongue
But my point is, when people rebuild the search index, their cached results should be cleared. I mean, if the issue is manually doing something to posts, then the search cache can conflict


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Lemme see



if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0')
    message($lang_common['No view']);


if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_MOD)
    message($lang_common['No permission']);

Although you'll need to edit the navlinks generation function to remove the link wink


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

The Page wrote:

If you've added, edited or removed posts manually in the database or if you're having problems searching, you should rebuild the search index

If you add, edit, or remove posts manually, then any cached search results with them in it are invalid