
(124 replies, posted in News)

Hurrah big_smile


(105 replies, posted in General discussion)

That code for the mod is looking at the topics in a forum, not at subforums. Take a look at the code for index.php, that's where you want to take code from./

Use strtolower on both the input and the string you're checking against.


(124 replies, posted in News)

You see though pingme, I think we've addressed all of your concerns multiple times. And if you can't accept what Rickard and I and the rest of the developers say, then I don't know how much this is about the sale as it is about you not trusting us wink
Now then:

Smarty concern is very simple. people have been happy the way Rick and team handled and supported users and development. With limited information of ownership change, people are bit worried about its future path. While there are assurances from the original team, the way acquisition was communicated is probably  causing a panic.

I wouldn't say there's limited information, I'd say there's quite a bit. We're certainly not hiding anything from you guys.

additionally committing that Rick will pork out if necessary adds the uncertainty.

If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying that Rickard making clear that he will fork the code if it's, for example, taken non-free is a BAD thing? You'll have to explain that one to me wink

If as a user, I am using punbb, today I don't know, if next versions will be available for free? will it become a paid software? will developers really continue with same dedication? (while assurances are there), and Qs like these are not answered.

Yes, they are. Unless, of course, you choose to not trust our word, which as I said is an issue entirely separate from the sale wink
But, to clarify for anyone reading:
- PunBB will remain free thanks to the GPL.
- In the words of Rickard, "If push comes to shove, I'll fork it myself!"
- We're still developing with even more dedication than before (excluding periods of real life peeking through, which I had for the past couple weeks).

May be some one from the new company coming to these forums and announcing their vision would have helped to clear many of these concerns. Keeping everything under wraps is what creating these ripples, confusion and slowly loosing confidence.

I don't know that they have fully decided what their ultimate, final plans are for PunBB. However, as we keep pointing out, it doesn't really matter what they decide. PunBB is still PunBB. It is released under the GPL. The code can not be retroactively closed. The code can be forked. Thus, if they make a decision like "abolish free PunBB," the code will be forked.

To give an excellent way of communicating sudden changes I suggest you go thro http://thevbgeek.com If Rick would have communicated in similar fashion taking the community in full confidence, people would have welcomed it with open mind.

If I'm reading what you linked properly, I have to disagree with you. I think we've been at least as open as that (and the outcome has been more positive) tongue
At the site you linked, the person explained that he would be stopping development and support to focus on a family business in crisis.
The first post was August 5th and explained the very basics, saying rather unclearly "As such, I will be absent from the site for the unforeseeable future, leaving me unable to support and develop. This crisis could potentially be rectified by as soon as the end of next week, however it could also take substantially longer."
The next post was August 19th, two weeks later, and provided little information other than "there's still a problem, and I don't know how exactly you guys will be supported, but I'm thinking about it, and I'll refund some money to some people who I can't support"
The NEXT post is a month later and simply says "the problem is fixed but I can't support you guys anymore, I still haven't decided exactly how you will be supported"

I should note, I do think the issue was handled well on the site given the circumstances the person was working under, I just don't think it stands as a shining example of what to do. Ideally, he would have found someone else to support the code for him much quicker: in fact, he probably could have paid someone to do it. I also find it interesting that you compared the sale to a crisis when in reality it's just the opposite. tongue


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well, enable display_errors for PHP and see what the problem is tongue


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Blank pages?
Have you edited moderate.php?

In the administration panel, edit the usergroup for member and say no to "Delete topics"


(124 replies, posted in News)

FBI: Please take the time to read the rest of the topic, where Rickard and I try to address those concerns, and explain to me exactly what bothers you about it

That's a group option.
And you can't get the topics back unless you have a backup

Yeah, tr.isticky would contain the row.

Try changing the cookie name.

Indeed. I would have them verify that they haven't accidentally added your site to some block list for cookies, because the cookie you're sending seems perfectly valid (and if you can login, it's a problem with their computer).

I just logged in fine with Firefox and IE: if we can't replicate the issue, we can't diagnose the issue wink

On an unrelated note, your spambot prevention question doesn't allow the word to be written with an upper case R, as a user would assume it should be.

Just a thought: can you login to their account?

It works fine now, oddly enough

I can't access your forum: I'm being redirected through what looks like a bunch of spam sites

The problem is that you essentially want to separate posts, topics, and forums into different folders based on categories. Doing that would require edits of quite a few files. Editing the code my way would only require two copies of PunBB and one or two tiny edits to the dblayer.
But if you're going to do it your way, I would suggest using c.id, not c.name, since c.id is the primary key and is thus better indexed.

Does the RSS (I'm talking about the feed generated, not how your feed reader sees it)  update?

Aha smile
I think that would get complicated rather fast tongue
The way I would think about doing it is with two completely separate forum installations, with one installation storing all of the user data.

I'm afraid I don't understand your setup or what exactly you want wink


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Robert Kelso: They didn't show up in Firefox or IE7 tongue


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm afraid I don't see any borders in IE7 or Firefox 2

Moved to Integration


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

You should be able to look up the host information using the domain name.

I'm going to close this because, as I said earlier, the developers have no control over any of the content on PunBB forums created by others. If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me, my email is smartys at this domain.

Moved to Troubleshooting
The RSS feed is not of individual posts in topics, so I'm not sure exactly what you mean smile


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

There is no "customer service number," PunBB is a piece of forum software distributed under the GPL. We (the developers) have no control over the forums people set up. The proper people to contact are the forum's administrator(s) and/or the host the forum uses.