hehe thanks
2 2009-08-25 13:47
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
it didnt change anything...
3 2009-08-25 13:38
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Stevenbullen, it didnt work either. could it be something with the style?
4 2009-08-25 12:14
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
thanks! will try as soon as i got time
5 2009-08-25 11:33
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
i want to change the index in navlink to Forum, and make it redirect to forum.php instead of index.php.
6 2009-08-24 10:56
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
// Generate the "navigator" that appears at the top of every page
function generate_navlinks()
global $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;// Index and Userlist should always be displayed
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="forum.php">'.$lang_common['index'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navuserlist"><a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a>';if ($pun_config['o_rules'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navrules"><a href="misc.php?action=rules">'.$lang_common['Rules'].'</a>';if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
if ($pun_user['g_search'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';$links[] = '<li id="navregister"><a href="register.php">'.$lang_common['Register'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navlogin"><a href="login.php">'.$lang_common['Login'].'</a>';$info = $lang_common['Not logged in'];
if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_MOD)
if ($pun_user['g_search'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';$links[] = '<li id="navprofile"><a href="profile.php?id='.$pun_user['id'].'">'.$lang_common['Profile'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navlogout"><a href="login.php?action=out&id='.$pun_user['id'].'">'.$lang_common['Logout'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navprofile"><a href="profile.php?id='.$pun_user['id'].'">'.$lang_common['Profile'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navadmin"><a href="admin_index.php">'.$lang_common['Admin'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navlogout"><a href="login.php?action=out&id='.$pun_user['id'].'">'.$lang_common['Logout'].'</a>';
7 2009-08-23 21:11
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
please, i need some help!
9 2009-08-20 08:25
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
i changed
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="index.php">'.$lang_common['index'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="forum.php">'.$lang_common['forum'].'</a>';
// Generate the "navigator" that appears at the top of every page
function generate_navlinks()
global $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;// Index and Userlist should always be displayed
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="forum.php">'.$lang_common['forum'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navuserlist"><a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a>';
11 2009-08-18 15:48
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
when i changed in functions.php it only changed in admin index...
12 2009-08-18 13:05
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
hehe i dont use 1.3 but how do i change the file index link goes to? if i can find that, i can live with it being named index
13 2009-08-18 12:49
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
but eh.. how do you install it?
14 2009-08-18 11:18
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
ive tried that... tried again now and named it something else.. it doesent work..
15 2009-08-18 10:14
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
i also need to change the redictering. i want it to go from index.php to forum.php
16 2009-08-18 10:12
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
ive changed it. didnt help..
17 2009-08-18 09:19
Re: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
noone? there must be someone who can help!
18 2009-08-17 14:22
Topic: navigation bar help! (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
im making some changes in my forum, but i cant figure out how to change the names of the links in the nav bar... ive tried to change in the lang file, but it doesent work.... i also checked the styles css sheet to see if there were anything there.. but no luck
anyone who can help me?
19 2009-08-17 14:19
Re: Changing Home Page (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
or simply make the the page a html file, like index.html. html pages is shown before php.
20 2008-01-04 22:16
Re: error during install (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
i got it working now
21 2008-01-03 22:39
Re: error during install (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
is the MySQL hot, the username for it? i thought wrong when filling info, and wrote FTP username. but now this came up
An error occured on line 58 in file /home/25/w59673/ww-studio/punBB/include/dblayer/mysql.php.
PunBB reported: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Unknown MySQL server host 'whitewings' (1)
i checked with the host
22 2008-01-03 22:35
Re: error during install (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
oh i thought i did that but now i entered the right host and this came:
An error occured on line 58 in file /home/25/w59673/ww-studio/punBB/include/dblayer/mysql.php.
PunBB reported: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'ww-studio.com' (146)
i know its the right one, copied from my FTP. and i can log on
23 2008-01-03 22:28
Topic: error during install (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
i have uploaded all the files and everything, and started my installation. i filed in the fields on the page and clicked begin install. but then this came up:
An error occured on line 58 in file /home/25/w59673/ww-studio/punBB/include/dblayer/mysql.php.
PunBB reported: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
what is wrong?