guardian34 wrote:

Interesting? I haven't used censoring; How would that handle, say, "Googlebot"?

? i'm confused... it would handle it however you decide to have the censor handle it.

edit: ok i get it... 1 sec i'll test....


(9 replies, posted in Programming)

that worked. thanks guys. big_smile

would someone mind adding this to the Wiki? i'm wiki dumb so i'd just crash the thing. wink

Chris Powell wrote:

I just replaced the css file with your code.

COOL! i edited my post to show the section to replace/edit. glad it works.

Not a mod but a quick and easy way to have auto linking on your forums.

Use the swaer filter/Censor function! Administration > Censoring
Censor words must be enabled in Options for this to have any effect.

Censored word: Google 
Replacement text: use bbcode  [url=]Google[/url ]  <- less space

now each time someone posts the word Google it comes up as a link Google. play with it. big_smile

follow the directions in the link i posted and it will make your forums centered and a fixed width. 800px is i think what the example is.

or use this. replace the same section of your cp.css file with this one:


/* 5.1 Page margins */

BODY {text-align: center; background: #4A4451 url( repeat-y center top;}
#punwrap {width: 700px; margin: 12px auto; text-align:left}

/* 5.2 Creates vertical space between main board elements (Margins) */

DIV.blocktable, DIV.block, DIV.blockform, DIV.block2col, #postreview {MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px}
#punindex DIV.blocktable, DIV.blockpost {MARGIN-BOTTOM: 6px}
DIV.block2col DIV.blockform, DIV.block2col DIV.block {MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px}

/* 5.3 Remove space above breadcrumbs, postlinks and pagelinks with a negative top margin */

DIV.linkst, DIV.linksb {MARGIN-TOP: -12px}
DIV.postlinksb {MARGIN-TOP: -6px}

/* 5.4 Put a 12px gap above the board information box in index because the category tables only
have a 6px space beneath them */

#brdstats {MARGIN-TOP: 12px}

i'm sure it's not up to standard but it's functional.

if that mod uses the current PunBB rank feature then it should work for what you want.

will this function/feature be part of 1.3? if not can it be a standard feature?


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

not really... it looks as though their site is down for some server maintenance so getting to their downoads section is out, so i'd try smf or something else.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

convert it to say phpbb or SMF then convert to PunBB.


(9 replies, posted in Programming)

ok i tried this in both the db management plugin and through phpmyadmin and got an error on both. this is right after a repair/optimize session and a rebuild of the search index only a day earlier. here is the error phpmyadmin gives me:


SQL query: Documentation

SELECT COUNT( m.post_id ) , w.word
FROM search_matches AS m
INNER JOIN search_words AS w ON m.word_id =
GROUP BY m.word_id
ORDER BY COUNT( m.post_id ) DESC

MySQL said: Documentation
#1111 - Invalid use of group function

the db plugin only gives a generic "SQL Error". any ideas?


(9 replies, posted in Programming)

is there a way (mod/hack/etc) to do a 1 time search of all the posts and come up with a list of the top 10/20/50/100 words used? i have a project in mind that this info would be useful. of course it would have to adhere to the normal search criteria and functionality ie: use the stop words list and forum specific search.

any help is appreciated.

just so it's clear i'm quoting hcgtv and not taking credit for it.

PunBB: Too often, we pay attention to the looks and miss the brains.



(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

put my_header.php in include/user/


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

i sent an email to the developers of fantastico about a year or so ago and never heard back. too bad for them. good news about OVH though.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

put that file(AP_Broadcast_Email.php) in the plugins folder of your forums root. then goto your admin section and you should see the link on the left panel at the bottom.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

all but the attachments from vb. which seemed to be the problem i was having. i guess they were goofed somehow. and as far as backups are concerned, the DB management plugin here in the downloads section is a godsend.

very nice. the anticipation for 1.3 grows daily. tongue


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

alicia_3107 wrote:
MadHatter wrote:

create a new group.  create a new forum, edit the permissions for that forum so only the members of the new group you just made can read / post to the forums.  change the groups of the ppl you want to see that forum.

Thank you But I cant find where to create a group ? I have PunBB Version: 1.1.5

usergroups wasn't introduced until 1.2 if i recal right? anyhoo... why not upgrade to the current 1.2.14?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

fortunately i had an issue with restoring my db from a move to a new server and it forced(wasn't a hard decision to make:P) me to convert my last non-PunBB forum to Pun. is running a vanilla install of  1.2.14 with the exception of a few plugins for maintenance. the conversion was simple thanks some minor mysql tweaking and Chacmool's migration tool. the change to my users seems to be accepted nicely. no complaints yet.

Broadcast email and Newsletter mod.

so the plugin system is gone as of 1.3 correct? so all the plugins will need to be rewritten as extensions? what about the PLUGINS offered in the's download section? will they be rewritten for 1.3? and by who?