(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

i like it. you plan on sharing?

i checked your source and it's not there. i have the mod installed and this is what i get when i view my source:

<li class="postedit">

    <a href="karma.php?post=1&vote=1" _base_href="http://www.domain.com/"> Props </a>


    <a href="karma.php?post=1&vote=0" _base_href="http://www.domain.com/"> Clown </a>


this may not solve your issue but it's a start. good luck.

note: i changed the outputted links from smite/praise to clown/props respectively on my boards.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

it's the Oxygen style silly. wink

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/Oxygen.css" />

appears to be custom.

or you could do this:

if you want the news to come from the "Announcements" forum then you need to tell the mini portal index.php that is the forum it needs to get it from. ie:

function pun_news($fid='12', $show=15, $truncate=1)

the $fid='12' is the forum id it draws the news/announcements from which i'm assuming is this forum: http://www.mkdsc.com/viewforum.php?id=12  <-----  see the 12.


all about the mini portal. i hope this helps.

ok. can someone give a hint on how to do this please? i took a peek at this section:

// Generate the "navigator" that appears at the top of every page
function generate_navlinks()

and don't understand how it works. please and thank you.

how do i make links i put in the navbar(via admin option) only show up for members?

ok, i don't know what happened but i reuploaded the donate, bank and lottery files and it all seems to be working. thanks for the help.

now to add the links to profiles or the menu.


i appreciate the help.

yes i have. i did notice that when i downloaded the latest release of the mod too but did upload the file from a previous version.

ok, something is goofed then. i get blank pages when i goto  www.thehangout.us/lottery.php and www.thehangout.us/donate.php

i think i found the problem...

#---------[ 18. REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------------

                // We only allow administrators to update the post count
                if ($pun_user['g_id'] == PUN_ADMIN) { <---------------------------------- this here
                    $form['num_posts'] = intval($_POST['num_posts']);
                    $form['cm_cash'] = intval($_POST['cm_cash']);
                    $form['cm_bank'] = intval($_POST['cm_bank']);

that isn't supposed to be there is it? i compared this file to a stock punbb profile.php and it's not there.


                // We only allow administrators to update the post count
                if ($pun_user['g_id'] == PUN_ADMIN)
                    $form['num_posts'] = intval($_POST['num_posts']);

another question, how do you use the lottery and donate?

i get a blank page when i visit a profile after i do this edit:

#---------[ 18. REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------------

                // We only allow administrators to update the post count
                if ($pun_user['g_id'] == PUN_ADMIN) {
                    $form['num_posts'] = intval($_POST['num_posts']);
                    $form['cm_cash'] = intval($_POST['cm_cash']);
                    $form['cm_bank'] = intval($_POST['cm_bank']);

i've narrowed it down to this because i did all the other edits one at a time and uploaded after each edit and that one causes a blank profile.php?id= page. any thoughts? if i post my profile.php would someone double check my edits please?


edit: i forgot to mention i'm using the frontpage mod so i'm sure my profile.php is far from stock but was able to find the spots i had to edit.

i see talk of a store mod waiting for 1.3 but is there one for 1.2.*? hopefully one that goes with Gary13579's cash mod.

well, coming from a cut-n-paste coder and in no way proficient in anything, i have to say PunBB is the cleanest and easiest code to read with a bunch of comments throughout. modding a hack to do what you want wouln't be hard at all i'm sure. BUT if you're patient i would wait for PunBB 1.3(soon) to do any major mods. it will have a hook system so you don't have to touch any pun code to add functionality. any how, i hope you choose PunBB, i haven't regretted a  minute of my experiance.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

only the ones that are default in frontpage. if it was meant for a bigger site were we advertised it and allowed just anyone to join, i would try to bring that query number down, but since it's a small board i'm not worried.


(0 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Set permissions for differant usergroups or ranks to see and access certain menu items we add via AdminCP > Options > "Additional menu items". ie: Administration


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


Running Frontpage PunBB 1.4b
Modified Mercury theme

It's really just s site for a circle of friends to "hangout" where pretty much anything goes(so beware). Not that we can't do that at our normal hangouts. wink

maybe with the new hook system Rickard has implemented into 1.3 we might see something but as far as i've seen sofar there hasn't been one made. you might want to search over at punres.org also.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

please, no more. wink

don't think there is an option for #1 but there is a "Jump to forum name" rollout at the bottom of the page. for #2 and #3 have a look at extern.php in the root of the download package, it should help you out.

thanks for the answers guys. i went ahead and did it the quick and dirty way by changing the displayed "word" in the language files to html image urls(which works fine by the way), and it just doesn't look right. i think i'll stick with the link buttons for now.

thanks anyways.

with images i made? i found Connorhd's page on the punres wiki here, but it only covers one buttons and it doesn't replace the text just puts a background image in the cell/div the link sits in. not quite what i have in mind. i would like images for these: new topic, new poll, submit, preview, go back, report, delete, edit, quote, reply, move, close, sticky, delete multiple posts, show recent posts, show unanswered posts and show your posts. i know it's a big list and goes against what punbb is for with adding bloat to it, but i want my board a bit more custom.

i do however plan on sharing the style once it's done which is after i insert all of these buttons. unless i can't do it all via css then i'll relese a version without the buttons inserted but with the buttons in the package.

any help is appreciated.

edit: here are the imags i would like to use. i know they aren't the best but i made them and i'm proud of them, for now. tongue


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

catchy name.

looks good.

fixed... i added that missing column and it's working.

thanks CodeXP for reminding me about debug mode.