An error was encountered
File: C:\Inetpub\htdocs\hangout\forum.php
Line: 50
PunBB reported: Unable to fetch sub forum info
Database reported: Unknown column 'parent_forum_id' in 'field list' (Errno: 1054)
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Dr.Jeckyl
An error was encountered
File: C:\Inetpub\htdocs\hangout\forum.php
Line: 50
PunBB reported: Unable to fetch sub forum info
Database reported: Unknown column 'parent_forum_id' in 'field list' (Errno: 1054)
what would casue this error?
i use the frontpage mod and had to backup my site (with the Database management - v1.3 plugin) and restore it and i get this error now when i try to goto my forums after the restore.
user: test
pass: test
any help is appreciated.
this guy is shitting himself. current bid: US $160,109.09
why couldn't i have thought of this first?
Dr Jekyl,
How do I reinstall?
the same way you installed it the first time.
Copy/upload all contents of the directory upload/ into the directory where you want to run your forums.
Run install.php from the forum root directory (e.g. open http://mydomain/myforums/install.php in your browser). Follow the instructions.
how do you make the first letter in the titles bold like that? would you mind sharing the code edit? looks good by the way.
select which forum to use, change the welcome text from there. could make every one's lives easier.
i would suggest Frontpage PunBB then.
Well at the rate 1.3 is progressing 2 isn't enough
oh snap.
anyone have any suggestions or even used one before?
have you tried a reinstall?
looks nice, good job. … go_via_css
And of course: Removing the old style title, and punchline...
Admincp > "Options" > "Board title" and "Board description"
doh, i forgot about the <base> thing... i feel dumb. thanks Connor. has to be a path from the file you are into, to the punbb installation on the server file system.
so how do you point backwards to the pun installation?
@Connorhd: i've been meaning to ask you, when you use the new page template and it's a folder or 2 past the forum root, how do you edit
define('PUN_ROOT', './');
so the links point to the right place? when i try to change it i either get a blank page or my links are wrong, with 1 or 2 directories added to them. basicly, how do i define it so it is always pointing to the site root regardless of what folder it's in? if that's possible.
i remember you said something here but i don't understand "PUN_ROOT has to be relative". could you explain a bit please?
if i make a page in the site root the template works great, styled correctly, links work right. but if i put it in one folder out it's not styled and the links are wrong.
example: without changing anything in the code, nothing works here. if i change it to "define('PUN_ROOT', '../');" it's not styled and the links have "" added on them and it shouldn't be there. what is the correct way to define a site root say 1, 2 or even 3 folders out?
did i explain this enough?
looks good. nice and brite that's for sure.
is in either of your base url or alternate url settings ( Admincp > Options > Base/Alternate url) or do you have access to this since you use mypunbb? i'm sure Connor will be by soon and will be able to help you.
by the way, why didn't you post this in the MyPunBB forums?
I wish there was a pun nuke or something, php nuke is sort of slow.
Frontpage PunBB no file manager yet but a very nice compilation of scripts and mods. for a file manager i recomend this.
anyone else having issues with 1.5? ie: sometimes when you click on a link that ends with ".../index.php" it wants to download that file instead of render it. it's getting kinda annoying having to reclick those links. and they still haven't fixed the random memory leak causing it to use 99% of availible resources.
try redownloading and reuploading the package.
PunBB Forums → Posts by Dr.Jeckyl
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