(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

and where can i see the actuall portal?

on index page

Can you post link to your site?


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

After looking into cache/cache_hooks.php i see lots of $ext_info variables big_smile Maybe there is the problem wink

Did you try removing this file?


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

I think it is one of daris his extensions because he is the only one using that code that I know of smile

There's one mine extension which use this hook - ajax post edit, but it hasn't any ext_info var.

You can look into extension_hooks table in database - it contain all hooks for installed extensions

I'm using Opera 9.5. I can select item before submiting, just pressing space.

New release (1.1)

- if user has enabled javascript, don't display OK button (style will be switched on combo item change)
- some tiny changes

Which is the better name for this extension? Style changer or style switcher? tongue

it currently like this

subscribe o
unsubscribe o

On higher resolution (1400x1050) it looks like this:
subscribe o unsubscribe o


(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

New release 2.15

- paging view for articles
- if article topic content starts with [ b]some text[/b], it will be used as article description
- fixed titles for pages
- styles can otherwise portal.tpl template
- fixes for rss/atom
- when language file does not exist, load default (English)
- fixed rewriting urls

I do not have an issue with this but I DO expect you to ask permission when doing so. ALL my work is copyrighted and is not GPL.

Sorry, i should ask you, you're right. sad (always i forget about copyright)

You also need to ask my permission to release the work.

Currently released is only Incandescent (is it your style?). SuperMAG wants Showcase III in punbb 1.3 so i ported it, but if you don't want i will not release it.

I'm trying port Showcase III style to PunBB 1.3, but i've got problem with links on main-head bars (for example rss and atom buttons). I added for h2 width: 100% (it's a right corner) and now right floated buttons are not in same line as main-head text.

Look at the rss and atom buttons:

edit: you can view this style: http://daris.lua.pl/ and at down of page you can select style combo box

Still doesn't hide when one clicks outside the menu. I'm using firefox.

i don't know how hide it after clicking out of menu so i added cancel link tongue

New release (1.5)

- works with Internet Explorer smile

also can you update newsletter panel for work with 2.1 version of portal extension (i removed classes from it)?

Just remove from newsletter panel file this:

class panel_newsletter {
function display() {
global ...;

at start and this:


at end

You're using $db_prefix but it should be $db->prefix

Can you add hook (in your deleted post log extension) for change query also for active topics in portal extension? (at_qr_get_topics like vf_qr_get_topics)


Allow quickly installs extensions. Just select zip file (admin panel -> extensions -> extensions installer) and then click Install extension button. Archive contents will be unpacked into extensions directory and you'll be redirected to install extension page.

Currently it isn't a stable version and don't allow upgrade extensions (i don't know how can i do it - maybe firstly removing extension directory and then unpack it?)


(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I know, you can remove:

class PANEL_... {

function display() {

at start and:


at end of panels/newsletter.php


(151 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

daris wrote:

extern.php line 400, can you change with something like this:

$item = array(...);
($hook = get_hook('ex_...')) ? eval($hook) : null;
$feed['items'][] = $item;


What about this? I need it for display first post message in rss for portal extension


(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Next release (2.1)

- removed classes from panel files (they were stupid tongue )
- option for displaying user avatar in news
- fixed permissions for news/articles/active_topics
- rss for news/articles (currently it displays only news/article title because i need hook in extern.php - http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p … 02#p112502)
- some small fixes wink


(151 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

extern.php line 400, can you change with something like this:

$item = array(...);
($hook = get_hook('ex_...')) ? eval($hook) : null;
$feed['items'][] = $item;


Notice: Undefined index: g_send_email in /var/www/punbb-1.3/profile.php on line 1424

And when i go to profile page link in top menu hasn't got


And also in page viewtopic/viewforum, index link in top menu should have class="isactive"

edit: i had older version and coppied files from punbb-1.3-dev/upload, but i see extras/db_update.php has that query.


(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Portal extension is now available from subversion repository:


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

pokemon_jojo wrote:

but it's very difficult to test my hook. I always need to uninstall and install again my hook for test change.

http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=18554 (version 2.0)


(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

New release (2.0)

- other extensions can quickly add their panels (just quering database)
- all short tags replaced with "long" tags wink



(119 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

and also another bug found ... when you change the page name ... the old url of the page still works ... i mean ...
i changed the example page to Free Hosting ... but look
same page ... when the page name is change the url of the page should be change and old url should not work

Edit Main menu panel and correct page name. It isn't a bug and won't be fixed.

<li><a href="<?php echo pun_link($pun_url['page_id'], array(1, sef_friendly('Example page'))) ?>">Example page</a></li>

An error was encountered
The error occurred on line 86 in /home/iman/public_html/extensions/portal/admin/pages.php
Database reported: Table 'iman_main.pbb_page' doesn't exist (Errno: 1146).

in 82 line admin/pages.php "s" is missing, should be:

        'DELETE'    => 'pages',

I've got portal extension installed but it shows me notice about not installed portal extension.

        if (!$db->table_exists('panels') || !$db->table_exists('pages'))

It should be:

        if (!$db->table_exists($db->prefix.'panels') || !$db->table_exists($db->prefix.'pages'))