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id : dd_profile_about_subscriptions_link
title : Profile About Subscriptions Link
version : 1.0.0
description : This extension adds a "Your subscriptions" (as seen on the search page)
link to each users profile about page. This new link is only available and visible
for the profile's owner. All language variables are internal and from PunBB, so
this extension should work with all supported locales.
author : DervishDoughnut
minversion : 1.3 Beta
maxtestedon : 1.3 Beta
hooks used : pf_change_details_about_pre_header_load
A few notes about this extension. This extension was created to fill what was perceived as a missing feature in PunBB 1.3 Beta (Probably only affects me). What missing feature? Well, on the search page of PunBB 1.3 Beta are 3 user specific links. Your posts, Your topics and Your subscriptions are the three user specific links. Now if you go to your Profile's About section/page you might have noticed that there is a missing link. The "Your subscriptions" link. I do realize that the "Show all posts" and "Show all topics" links are on every users profile page that a user can see, but also felt that the Your subscriptions link was needed.
So what exactly does this extension do? One thing. It adds a "Your subscriptions" link to every users profile about section/page. A user will only see this new link if they are the owner of that profile about section/page that they are viewing. This was done to keep each user's subscriptions private as they currently are in PunBB 1.3 Beta. Overall there is nothing major here, just a simple extension.
More information
Again thank you qubertman for your input on this extension. In this updated version the locale variable has been added along with some other minor changes. As usual more information available at this punres link.
id : dd_top_20_users
title : Top 20 Users
version : 1.0.2
description : Adds a top 20 users section to forum index. Original modification for punbb pre 1.3 by ultime is available at
author : DervishDoughnut
minversion : 1.3 Beta
maxtestedon : 1.3 Beta
hooks used : ft_pre_users_online and hd_head
Changelog for version 1.0.1 to 1.0.2:
1. Added locale variable. Currently only English is supported.
2. Added lang/English folders for locale.
3. Added index.html files to extensions folder and sub folders.
4. Moved extension stylesheet to it's own folder.
More information
Thank you qubertman for your suggestions and input on this extension. A new version has been uploaded which should cover both of these suggestions along with a minor fix. All information is available at punres via this link.
id : dd_top_20_users
title : Top 20 Users
version : 1.0.1
description : Adds a top 20 users section to forum index. Original modification for punbb pre 1.3 by ultime is available at
author : DervishDoughnut
minversion : 1.3 Beta
maxtestedon : 1.3 Beta
hooks used : ft_pre_users_online and hd_head
Changelog for version 1.0 to 1.0.1:
1. Changed username and post count links to use SEF friendly link scheme.
2. Added commas after each user entry in the top 20 list, except for the last.
3. Updated database query to only list users with greater than 0 posts.
More information
id : dd_top_20_users
title : Top 20 Users
version : 1.0
description : Adds a top 20 users section to forum index. Original modification for punbb pre 1.3 by ultime is available at
author : DervishDoughnut
minversion : 1.3 Beta
maxtestedon : 1.3 Beta
hooks used : ft_pre_users_online and hd_head
more information :
This adds a top 20 user section to your forum's index page between the stats and onlinelist sections of the footer template. Files within the extension folder are the manifest.xml and a css file for the top 20 user section styling. Any feedback at all is greatly appreciated.
Posts found: 4