Gizzmo wrote:

Who would like to have a new class in the css files for the calendar days?

there are 3:

td.calendar_today    //todays date
td.calendar_date    //any other date
td.calendar_nodate   //the other TD areas that are no days

If possible, no CSS changes please smile

Want to keep this mod as independant as possible.

Yeah, it's very wierd too.  I can't figure it out either...

It's much more complicated than your previous version...

Apart from timezone problems, there seems to be some trouble too with the month start/ends.

In the middle of the month, the post count on the calendar page lines up with the calendar_view display.  But when you click on day 1 of the month (or the last day of the month), the view display doesn't show the right number.

I've only modified it to add the post count... no playing around with the timezone stuff etc.

Any ideas?


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Oops, sorry.. you need to be logged in to view stats. Screenshot attached:


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

PunBB is an awesome board, and I'm a loyal supporter.  I know this will probably sound like "whinge whinge" again, but just wondering whether we could see some stats like these?

How awesome/useful would that be for punBB?  Especially with the ability to compare from day to day, the number of topics, posts, online users and visitors and page hits.

Did you include the timezone fix as well?

I managed to do it on the 0.5 code:

Up top:

if (!isset($cur_user) || $pun_config['o_server_timezone'] == $cur_user['timezone'])
    $diff = 0;
    $diff = ($cur_user['timezone'] - $pun_config['o_server_timezone'])*3600;
$adjdate = time() + $diff;

if (!isset($day)){$day = date(j, $adjdate);}
if (!isset($monthno)) {$monthno=date(n, $adjdate);}
if (!isset($year)) {$year = date(Y, $adjdate);}

Also in the function view()

global $db, $lang_calendar, $date, $dayfull, $monthtext, $day, $monthno, $year, $next_day, $last_day, $next_month, $last_month, $next_year, $last_year, $diff;
$datestart = mktime(0,0,0,$monthno,$day,$year) - $diff;
$dateend = mktime(24,0,0,$monthno,$day,$year) - $diff;

awesome!  Post some code up so I can try it out too... I'm running it on my site at the moment smile

I think there's a function in functions.php which does this (format_time) or something like that.

Ok found it.  Here's what it's doing

if (!isset($cur_user) || $pun_config['o_server_timezone'] == $cur_user['timezone'])
    $diff = 0;
    $diff = ($cur_user['timezone'] - $pun_config['o_server_timezone'])*3600;

$timestamp += $diff;

Great stuff gizzmo! i likes it...

Just wondering though, does it use the user's timezone (as configured in the profile), or the server timezone?  It would be good if it used the users's one...


(36 replies, posted in Feature requests)

wow, that's awesome stuff!!  let me just rip the code for my forums... smile


(20 replies, posted in Programming)

This is an example of what i'm talking about -- I used this to display number of topics and posts in the last 24 hours at the bottom of the forum index.

$lastday = time() - (24 * 60 * 60);
$result = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$db->prefix.'topics WHERE posted > '.$lastday)

Just put another AND clause to limit it to a date range.


(20 replies, posted in Programming)

eek!  can't  you put the range into the SQL query so that you don't extract all topics?  Just do the conversion to unix time before the query is performed, and then add it to the select statement.

ie. SELECT blah FROM blah WHERE posted > starttime AND posted < endtime


(20 replies, posted in Programming)

Gizzmo, the posted column shows the date/time in epoch seconds.  You need to convert the date range to epoch seconds and then retrieve the posts/topics where "posted" is within that range.

try to give you an idea of the functions...


(35 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

never.. pretty useless for me actually.  i use the forums to post news on my site's front page.  that query returns almost all my own posts... haha big_smile

i did move the 'show new posts since last visit' up to the top though, under "logged in as... last visit", as it's the most logical place, and easily accsesible to visitors too.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Nice dude! big_smile


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Ok more info -- it appears the last poster edited the post.  The number of posts (via sql) is 26, but in the topics table, the topic only shows num_replies = 24.

When I manually changed num_replies to 25, the missing post magically appeared!

Could there be a bug with the post editing bit / updating the topic bit?  *gasp*


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Hey I just noticed something odd...

If a topic has 26 posts (page split at 25 posts), only one page is displayed, and the leftover post is missing!   Add one more post and two posts appear on the next page!

Is it a bug?

Hey Lothia,

I asked the same question too a little while ago, but no one seemed too interested so I made my own mod. See it in action at

Basically I set it on a per category basis -- and modified index.php to change the layout for those categories, so that the forums contained within look like sub forums.

Let me know if you're interested -- I could post some code...



(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

yah... supposed to match the site... big_smile


(277 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Thanks connorhd...

Rickard and team -- looks very slick and polished! The whole user interface (input boxes, forms etc.) look like they've been really thought out.  Keep up the good work! big_smile

Oh really?  All it's doing is just inserting a HTML form.. nothing funky.

Maybe check the code that you're replacing, and make sure you're not removing any punpreview code.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Thanks guys... the new smilies look great!


(277 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Anyone running this with a link to post up?  It would be interesting to see how different it is.. big_smile


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

lol... big_smile

So where can I find this dev release?  Or the smilies anyway?


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hi all... I'm looking for smilies to add to the default smilies, that match the existing ones.  I've searched the forums, but all the smiley packs and zip files turn up dead links.

Just wondering if anyone could post up some cool smiley packs that would suit / go well with the existing punbb set?
