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Papillon wrote:Thanks for explaining , but I perfectly understood that, and what I got was as I just said, the result above!
No offence to your intelligence was intended
The probably Rickard used 0 = <a href="../"></a> which means that you can only use relative paths (not absolute), and this also means that you can't use as additional menu item.
EDIT: Since it worked, ignore what I've just wrote here.
Then use
X, URL and LINK are your variables, you gotta replace them with whatever you want.
If X = 0 your custom link will be shown before "Index", just like in this forum.
URL as guardian34 said is the url that you're linking and LINK is the link name you want to show.
e.g. 0 = <a href=""></a> this would be what Rickard used in this forum.
1. means: upload the file called install_mod.php to the root ( / ) of your forum folder (ie. where all the forums files are)
2. means: upload all the files (* is a wildcard, so any file with any extension) in the root (see above) of the forum.
I hope this is what you wanted to know.
Perhaps this.
Now a quote from my hero.
Smartys wrote:Moved to modifications.
This has been running for a few months already so I'd rather show off now.
Unapproachable East - Thesk is a persistent world for Neverwinter Nights 2. We're using PunBB 1.2 plus some custom modifications.
My friend klere made three different styles for the portal.
Here's some screenshots (excuse me for the poor quality).
Website homepage
default version
"good" version
"evil" version
Forum homepage
default version
"good" version
"evil" version
Any comments is welcome, I hope you like it. For any questions feel free to use the email form here or in that forum (I'm going under the nickname of TroveLord).
Open functions.php go to line 190
message($lang_common['Ban message'].' '.(($cur_ban['expire'] != '') ? $lang_common['Ban message 2'].' '.strtolower(format_time($cur_ban['expire'], true)).'. ' : '').(($cur_ban['message'] != '') ? $lang_common['Ban message 3'].'<br /><br /><strong>'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_ban['message']).'</strong><br /><br />' : '<br /><br />').$lang_common['Ban message 4'].' <a href="mailto:'.$pun_config['o_admin_email'].'">'.$pun_config['o_admin_email'].'</a>.', true);
Add after or change with your image this:
(move to modifications?)
Alternatively, if you don't want to edit the source use this CSS.
li#navindex{display: none;}
and add an extra navlink at position 0 with the forum index
0 = <a href="index.php">Forum</a>
Do you want to use extern.php for some reason or you want just the name?
in the second case this should do.
define('PUN_ROOT', './');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
$result = $db->query('SELECT id, username FROM '.$db->prefix.'users ORDER BY registered DESC LIMIT 1') or error('Unable to fetch newest registered user', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$stats['last_user'] = $db->fetch_assoc($result);
echo "<a href=\"profile.php?id=<?php echo $stats['last_user']['id'] ?>\">";
Have you set the avatars folder to CHMOD 0777?
Rename the forum folder to forums and then change the base url as hcgtv said.
Also you might want to read this
The first time you login your MD5 password will be rehashed by SHA1.
Rickard wrote:We do have the option of not providing a description at all and letting the administrator enter it when the forum is installed. What do you guys think about that?
I prefer having a standard one to change rather than none at all or having to put one when I install the forums.
luksy wrote:No, sorry, I haven't meant that. I meant like...instead of usernames, only Moderated by: Moderators is shown. And then you could click on moderators and see the users in that group. Is that possible in PunBB?
In index.php delete everything between line 117 and 123 and replace with
$moderators = "<a href=\"userlist.php?username=&show_group=2&sort_by=username\">Moderators Groups</a>";
PunBB - Better, Lighter, Faster.
PunBB - Yes, what else?
PunBB - So you've installed it? About time!
PunBB - You've done right thing.
PunBB - Now with 30% less fat!
PunBB - Yes that's me, and who are you?
Open index.php
Go to line 123 and change
<em>('.$lang_common['Moderated by'].'</em>
Hook editor, interesting.
The big problem with this would be the users and topics IDs because there would be a general conflict. I'm not sure if this is a good solution but since you have six board you could add a prefix to each topic and user ID so to turn user ID 2 to 102, 202, 302 and so on. Once your done export all the six database and append manually every data you need. I'm not sure it's gonna work, it probably won't but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Good luck.
I'm not sure of what you mean but perhaps you're looking for this.
Pork wrote:Additional menu items <href=""><a></a>
0 = <a href=""></a>
Check the forums options in the admin panel, there's an entry for that.
So what's the problem? You must manually change the files as it's explained here.
That's a mod you have to install. PunBB doesn't support off-site avatars.
Copy the files in your language directory then set it as default in your administration options.
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