ok I figured it out. In case anyone else has a similar need, u need to edit the /include/functions.php and add a new link element. I added this in ligne 296 and 305:

$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="your url here">'.$lang_common['Your Menu Item name'].'</a>';

now there's a last step with your language files. Open up common.php in the respective language folders and add somewhere (I added this in the Miscellaneous group) the definition and it's translation.

Hi all,

I added an additional menu item through the Options admin section.
Is there any way to have this new menu item show up only if users are logged in ?
I'll be happy even if I have to hardcode this menu item on a file.

Thx a bunch

Hi all,

I installed 3 mods and among the three there's the AttachementMod. I tested the forum after every modification I did but apprently I didn't tested deep enough. When I go to the userlist and click an user I get a blank page. In order to find the culprit plugin causing the trouble I have to proceed step by step but first of all i have to remove the plugins. Is there any specific way on how to remove the AttachementMod plugin and its db entries?

FSX wrote:

I'll put all this modifications in the package with the next version (1.2) and credit you ofcourse. I still have to add language support ^^ and a option to disable the search function. Also some other stuff, check the project site: http://code.google.com/p/downloadmod/ for the new features.

Hello FSX,

I wish things are moving smoothly with the future version 1.2.

While waiting the highly expected support for multilanguage i wanted to ask if that will fix also the filenames containing special chars like é è à etc., which are actually broken.

If the future version  is not planned to come out anytime soon, do u mind sharing a piece of code that can fix the filenames (it goes without saying only if time allows it smile ) ?

ok replying to myself: I sorted it out.
There was an ofending extra quotation mark that was closing the line above the <script type= ... that left the included js inactive.

Non stop code reviewing does miracles smile

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to integrate punBB on a plain xHTML page that is basically a copy of my website template.

I've managed to place the forum properly and style it how I wanted inside this template using divs & css.
There's only 1 element left to integrate and that is a plain xHTML drop down menu (sun of suckerfish). This menu needs a small js to run. I placed the path to this menu in main.tpl between head tags like this

<script type="text/javascript" src="style/menu.js"></script>

but it's not working.

In the other hand since header.php is part of the core files I didn't wanted to jump and add stuff in it without knowing how exactly to do it.

As for the css I can add the respective styles to oxygen.css but a separate file and defining a path to it would be cool.

Basically I'm having troubles with paths to "external" files.

Anybody can take 2 minutes and enlighten me on this ? Meanwhile i'll keep trying on my end smile

Thanks a lot.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Ok after several trials, fresh installs, db exports and imports, I concluded that I was wasting time trying to solve the problem. I just started from a fresh install and inserted manually the data table by table from the old db.

Everything works fine now. Thx Anatoly for your thoughts and help. Please consider this topic closed


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hello again,

Thank your for the hints Anatoly. The upgrade (2a) went smoothly and with no problems.

However, the issue with the faulty password recovery email (3rd post from the top) is still present. On the other hand the welcome email for account creation, is received in good and due form roll
Any idea where I should start looking ?

One last thing; what should be the default dirs and files chmod  ? Actually I have 755 for dirs and 644 for files.



(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

well I think i'll make an update to 1.2.19 and see if that corrects the problem.

Can I jump directly to 1.2.19 or I have to go through and upgrade each version:  1.2.15 -> 1.2.16 -> 1.2.17 -> etc... ?

Regarding this:

# Copy/upload the script 12_to_1216_update.php from the directory extras/ to the forum root directory and run it through your browser.

If my forum is in www.mydomain.com/forum the file should be placed in /forum or the parent dir (website root in my case) ?
English isn't my native language so i just want to be 100% sure before starting wink


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Anatoly wrote:

PunBB 1.2.19?

nope still at 1.2.15.
I'm trying to avoid an upgrade to 1.2.19 before everything works fine with the actual version.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

ok little head up.

I managed to migrate the BDD without much problems so please disregard my previous message.

I'm testing now the functionalities one by one to make sure everything is fully working and the first problem just raised the head.
When using the email password recovery function, the user receives a "non rendered" email where the tags supposed to contain the details are in their "raw" form. Example:

- the mail subject is int the form <mail_subject>
- the content is like <sender> of <board_title> .........
- Content of the message:

Any idea why this is happening ?


EDIT: Thx a lot for your reply Anatoly. It came in while I was replying. Yeah you're right MySQL 4 sux big time, but right now I'm doing this migration as part of a voulontary job for an association in which I'm a member. Needles to say they have no means and no will to get a proper host so I have to work under the actual conditions roll


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hello everyone,

Looking at the horrible performance of the actual hoster, I'm being somehow forced to switch for a new one.
Actually I'm looking for your advices on good strategy for a smooth migration process.
The current installation is a 1.2.15
The current MySQL version is 5.0.41

The future install: to be decided
The future MySQL version is 4.0.24 (yes I know it's an old version but that's what I'm being served with)

What do u think the best choice would be to migrate:
1. Upgrade the old install to 1.2.19 -> install the Database Management plugin -> Export data: install the new  instance of 1.2.19 on Host2 ->  install the Database Management plugin -> Import data

2. At the actual install 1.2.15 -> install the Database Management plugin -> Export data: install the new  instance of 1.2.19 on Host2 ->  install the Database Management plugin -> Import data
Don't know if this is possible as I don't know if the database structure has changed from 1.2.15 to 1.2.19

3.Move the old files via FTP the Host2 -> Export Database from MySQL5.0.41 to MySQL 4.0.24 in MYSQL4 comptibility mode ->Import sql in the new database.
The last thing I would like to do. Previous imports from mysql5 to 4 has always been a desaster

Am I looking at the right steps ?

Thanks a bunch for your input