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Strofanto wrote:I'm not sure XHTML allows you to align text, if not here's why you didn't find the mod
well the idea is not only with an align code but also a couple of other so basicly my question would be more like how do you create bbcode and add them to the forum ,alignment code was more of an example
Paul wrote:And the award for enigmatic post of the year goes to ......
yeah exactly ???????
i have seen similar suject in the forum but none where giving the idea on how to do it i would like to add some bbcode to my forum if its possible code such as ,if possible [align=right][/align] as an example but it dont quite get how to do it and if its possible i do think that it as to be added to the parser.php file but id like to have a cue or a pointer on how to do it
Rickard wrote:Ataxy: Yes, but that's an on/off switch. You can't set a time limit.
Sander D: I will consider it
oh yeah thats true
oh ok it wont display the reply wow cool then ...problem solved thx!
Rickard wrote:Actually, there's a group option for editing the subject, not the post.
then what is this in the admin panel user group option:
Edit posts - Allow users in this group to edit their own posts.
ok i have tryed by myself but its really not getting anywhere
#1: In one of the category i made a forum called news section wich is the one i am linking to my miniportal how can i make it so only the first post of each thread is shown in the miniportal and not the reply.
#2: to the online box i am trying to add the "Newest registered user:"
buzzkill wrote:omg 5.....
you can say that again its rediculous
Reines wrote:Ataxy wrote:no the time zone is set right
if the server is hosted in england the admin timezone you want is england, just incase you set the admin timezone to your own
ok by why cant i set it to mine in canada and secondly its probably the server date thats wrong cuz it does not explain the day ahead difference
oh ok i know what you mean ...welcome aboard the bus of the want to be coder lol no seriously you still did a nice job
i dont get it you would like your page to look like your page
yeah the miniportal is really cool i use it with the extra box mod from mediator and it gives pretty nice result
Fire Fusion wrote:That's a great addon but involves changing an awful lot of stuff, since I only want to the news feature i'd rather get yours working.
its actually not that bad its mostly copy/paste and just a few place to change index.php to forum.php
i dont know i am hosted for free by a friend who lives in england and i havent been able to reach him yet
does this code need certain php capacity enabled on the server side like GD enabled
there are better distro but i heard that the latest version is pretty good ,but i prefer Xandros
true this would be a great mod or addon feature
Paul wrote:The only thing thats certain is that there can only be four more minor updates. After that we run out of decimals.
are you sure?? but i have to ask are you sure ??
no the time zone is set right to i doubt to that punbb is the problem but i tought that every possibilty should be checked so i checked
humm dont know why and if its caused by the script itself but the date in my forum is one day ahead like today is the 14 of april but my forum says that whe are the 15 april
ok then i am proud to announce that i have made this partnership mod better lol ,still thx for your part of the work
oh no sincerly i made only small change to your code so the mod is still yours thx for your work
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