(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Just noticed: pun_quote does not work in topic with poll. Anyone else notice this?


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

Go to User list (in this forum), choose "Administrators" in "Show users from group" field. Click "Submit..."

Observe heading "Users found matching your criteria [ 4 ]" over the list of 5 members of said group.

Same happens to any group (with an easily countable number of members, of course cool ).


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Quote of a guest's post looks like this:

today 19:51 wrote:

instead of

JohnDoe wrote:

or at least

Guest wrote:


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Request for feature: those who are not allowed to post to forums should not be allowed to send PM.


(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

An option to allow to choose more than one answer would be a plus.

Say parameter N is the max number of answers that a user can choose, N=1 being the default.


(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Cosmetic stuff at the Forum > Administration > Settings > Features page:

First line: "Disable revoting info" on the left, "Disable revoting" on the right.
Second line: "Disable see results" on the left, "Disable see results info" on the right.
Third line: "Maximum answers info" on the left, "Maximum answers" on the right.

Inconsistency. And, besides, the "... info" strings should be on the right side since they in fact explain meaning of the parameters on the left.

String "Users can see poll results without voting." ("Disable see results info") is shown in black, while all other parameter strings at that page are shown in a shade of blue.

The names of the "Disable..." parameters are misleading since what they actually do is allow.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

Slavok, thanks for fixing the "parametr p". Any news on this one? (remove the link)

The error on "users" page may be not related, see http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … 2-upgrade/

Try to disable the most recent hotfix (the one dealing with "parametr p") and see if it disappears.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

I've got the same error, it disappears when "parametr p" hotfix is disabled.

PHP: 4.3.11
MySQL Standard 5.0.60


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

I wonder if this "hotfix" is gonna be fixed...


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

Try to disable the most recent hotfix ("PunBB 1.3.2 hotfix for a potential XSS attack via GET-parameter "p".")


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

IMHO the link should be removed.

The fact that it is based on javascript does not mean that it can't be fixed.


Thanks for fixing the "signature bug" (just used your script with the version of pun_quote from punbb repository, and it worked).

However, if the forum interface Language is not English and you try to "Quick quote" a post that starts with a quote, then the pasted quote code is incorrect.

Another not fixed bug: if javascript is disabled (as some users do for security reasons), then quoting does not work at all.

Care to fix these too? smile

BTW, I tried to "quick quote" your message (the No15 one on this page) -- it's a mess... (I know it's not your fault...)

gokieks wrote:

The best way to do it, IMO would be to let users silent edit until there's been a reply, or X minutes has passed, whichever comes first...

I second that.

yonash wrote:
8k84 wrote:

Actually, another reasonable approach would be to allow editing of the last post in a topic only.

What should happen, if someone reply 1 second after me? Can I edit it after 5 sec?

The idea is that you're not allowed to alter your message after it's been replied to. So the answer to your question is "no, you can't". cool

Actually, another reasonable approach would be to allow editing of the last post in a topic only.

esupergood wrote:

I would like this extension to work even if I have disabled user-editing of posts. I basically ONLY want my users to edit their typos in the first 60 seconds after their post and after that NEVER allowed to edit their posts.

Yeah, that would be great.


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

Any word on a theme for PDAs (a small screen theme)?


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

From the main forum view click on "New posts" link for one of the forums - get the list of topics of this forum with new messages.

In the bottom right corner there is a link "Mark all topics as read". It's kind of natural to think that this link would mark read only those topics that are on this list. However what it actually does is mark all topics from all forums read.

I'm running latest release with "File based (Fancy)" URL scheme, if that matters.

P.S. Same thing happens in these forums too.

smilie.png is missing (and not changed to "sick") in the version you uploaded

nice set otherwise


(3 replies, posted in Discussions)

So... no documentation, no comments from developers...

Would any users care to share the sacral knowledge of what "visit timeout" and "online timeout" are and how exactly "last visit" time is set and messages marked read/unread?


(3 replies, posted in Discussions)

Some users of my forum experience problems with "New posts" list (the list being too short) and with unread posts not being marked as such.

Could one of the developers please explain the exact algorithm used to make the "new posts" list and to mark messages as read/unread? That would help us track down the problem.

killersites wrote:

How can you remove the Moderated by line in the forum description?

It helps to do a search once in a while: http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … d-by-text/


(27 replies, posted in News)

You mean there is some rational behind nagging forum admin about non-critical news? roll

Ruins the idea of admin alerts since people tend to not pay attention to an alert that is always on.