That sounds like an interesting idea.
1 2009-06-02 12:58
Re: [request] latest twitter in your signature (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
2 2009-06-02 12:36
Re: [Release] Capture referral source on registration (18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
The idea of the plugin is great but just as esupergood suggested, it would be great to see what the user chose in the administration back end. I installed the plugin and I'm using SQlite as database, how would I extract the info to see the referral sources?
3 2009-04-20 17:23
Re: PunBB 1.3.3 (24 replies, posted in News)
I upgraded but failed to notice there were so many changes done to the CSS, it messed up everything horribly style wise, so I downgraded. I'll have to sit down and code the CSS all over again to match the new changes. Thanks for posting the CSS changes that were done, that's gonna be an essential resource.
4 2009-01-08 22:55
Re: [Release] ChatLite v0.5.1 (javascript chat on forum index) (164 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
The modded version looks good.
5 2008-12-26 03:38
Re: Re style the forum (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
Besides editing main.tpl you must also edit the CSS files inside ../style/Oxygen to match your website. Copy the Oxygen folder and rename it to whatever you want (to keep a copy of the default settings). Then edit the files inside the Oxygen folder: Oxygen.css, Oxygen_css.css etc. Hope this helps
6 2008-12-24 20:59
Re: [Release] XML Backup (21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
That's fine.
7 2008-12-24 20:48
Re: [Release] ChatLite v0.5.1 (javascript chat on forum index) (164 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
So how do I add a submit button? I don't really need it but there are always technoretards out there. I've learned not to overestimate the abilities of individuals.
8 2008-12-24 20:46
Re: [Release] XML Backup (21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
I use SQlite, not sure if this would work for me.
9 2008-12-24 20:40
Re: [Release] Genders (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
I installed out of curiosity, it works great.
10 2008-12-23 20:50
Re: [Release] XML Backup (21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
With what database types has this been tested?
11 2008-12-22 01:30
Re: [extension request] Private Threads (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
I think it's a great idea for an extension. When not necessary, the extension can be disabled in case of abuse.
12 2008-12-22 01:23
Re: [Release] Sitemap Generator (76 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Is there a way to generate the sitemap in a page like calling it: index.php?do=sitemap
13 2008-12-20 01:52
Re: External avatars (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Using Gravatar would be an option.
14 2008-12-19 04:06
Re: [Release] ChatLite v0.5.1 (javascript chat on forum index) (164 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Message/User color: adding a per-user color is too complicated and would require to store it somewhere. Would also create problems on big forums (how to make 1000 different colors). However I'm planning to modify a bit message template to allow alternate colors and colouring of specific users based on name.
It doesn't have to be per user. Just per line. First message in one color, second message in a different color, and then third message goes back to the first color and so on.
15 2008-12-16 21:52
Re: [Release] ChatLite v0.5.1 (javascript chat on forum index) (164 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Is there a way to make the text alternate colors.
[00:00] <User 1> dwknfwkjfn
[00:05] <User 2> sd,nfwfw
16 2008-12-11 20:08
Re: Replace date with Topic (28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
Thank you so much! It works great and looks so much better now. Spasiba!
17 2008-12-10 01:30
Topic: Replace date with Topic (28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
I want to replace the Last Post link on the index page for the name of the topic instead of the date format.
I read about it in this thread and the idea is great, but I would like for someone to explain this in detail. All I get is to use the Anycode extension, which I have installed. I just don't know what to do with it. What solution and hooks to add. A step by step might be beneficial to many users.
18 2008-12-10 00:53
Re: Topic subject textbox (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
Thank you so much, it looks tons better. It was really bothering me. I also changed the size of the textboxes for the pun_pm extension, just edit the functions.php file and change the size=80 to whatever you want.
19 2008-12-09 19:41
Re: What looks out of place on this forum (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
I have to agree, they should do what wordpress does and put them as a HTML comment and so if you really want to see them, you look at the source code
I did this in my forum to better blend PunBB into my layout see it here:
To do this I edited ../include/template/main.tpl
If you look at the source code, the extensions are in a comment and the PunBB copyright is in my footer. I just wish I could keep the jump to forum drop down, but at least it looks simple.
20 2008-12-09 19:16
Re: Redirect page (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
I'd be curious about people who have put in 0 and how they're finding that setting working for them?
Best way to find out is to try.
21 2008-12-09 18:40
Re: Topic subject textbox (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
I exaggerated the black and bordered it with red. The textbox should be inside that border. Refresh the image to see it.
22 2008-12-09 18:25
Re: [Release] Default Avatar (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
D'oh! Don't know how I missed that. So sorry and thank you. My eyes must be tired. It works great! Thank you for this great extension.
Gracias por todo.
23 2008-12-09 18:00
Topic: Topic subject textbox (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
I need to know where can I edit the CSS for the Topic subject textbox because it looks like this in my website:
It should be inside the black border, not outside.
24 2008-12-09 16:51
Re: [Release] Default Avatar (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
How does it work? I already installed it.
25 2008-12-09 16:24
Re: [extension request] Adsense after the first post (23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
This works great and was so easy to install! Thank you so much.