(37 replies, posted in News)

reuploading it fixed it, had to try it three times...but it finally went


(37 replies, posted in News)

Im having upgrade problems, I try running the upgrade script...but nothing happens, I have 1.2 and want to go to 1.2.2....

http://www.jakelshark.com/systems/forum … update.php

I uploaded all the files and stuff, but yeah...nothing


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

its actually Fusion News


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Im not sure what is needed and what isnt


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You misunderstood, I want to include it....but I need a simplified version of punbb's common because I get compatibility issues...

Im not trying to combine the two or anything


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I want to have the common included and stuff, but there is some extra stuff that I really dont need...is there any suggestions on sliming it down for minimum use, DB queries is all I want...

Creating a new common is all I know what to do, I dont know what can be cut and stuff...

The reason why I ask is because I am having some compatibility problems with some software [non-punbb], and I tracked it down to this...so any suggestions?


(76 replies, posted in News)

Haha, right when I get 1.2 workin the way I want it tongue

Its probably better to edit profile.php to remove the style selection, Ludo has an easy way to do it but it will still leave the section; delete it from the profile.php for a clean look.

I dont know what you mean by user list, the online members or the actual user list.  To remove the online list, edit the main template.  I cant remember the file with the Nav stuff in it though


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

nevermind, I rewrote the code to a different statement that works


define('PUN_TURN_OFF_MAINT', 1);
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1); 

require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

if (!defined('PUN'))
    exit('config.php doesn\'t exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first.');

if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
        $style = $pun_config['o_default_style'];
    } else {
        $style = $pun_user["style"];
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="systems/forums/style/<?php echo $style ?>.css">

so if anyone else needs help with it, there is a method that works big_smile


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I found another post on the subject, but the code really didnt work...

How do you get the style from the forum to apply to the main site? The code I have now only gets the default, it cant tell if the user is logged in and has a preference...

here is the code I use


define('PUN_TURN_OFF_MAINT', 1); 
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1); 

require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

if (!defined('PUN'))
    exit('config.php doesn\'t exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first.');

// Now we determine what style we should use
$style = (isset($cur_user)) ? $cur_user['style'] : $pun_config['o_default_style'];

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="systems/forums/style/<?php echo $style ?>.css">

Again, all it gets is the default theme loaded...but not the logged in user's preference


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

So far I have only tested in IE, but thanks for telling me now that Firefox/Mozilla is screwed up. Ohh and the RSS feed deal...I dont really know

The list is part of a news system I have running underneath, I really do not count it as CMS.  Im working on a nice little article system [or CMS].

But the site is a combination of homegrown and GPL software.  If I do use someone else's software, I do a lot of manipulation to it, not just the templates, such as the login box for the forums.

Thanks for the feedback!


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


[its actually http://www.Jakelshark.com but the DNS isnt setup right]

I got a pretty decent theme going on, or at least I think.  Im still trying to setup the CSS color scheme similar to how Rick has it...but for now I like it.

And just saying, I am a bit of a design n00b, so if you have any good advice...feel free smile


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

<removed bad advice> // Connorhd

Hi, Im working on an easy to use script that will put a log in box on the main page.

I codded everything, and I am going to post the 0.1 release in this thread...

The only thing that is keeping it from being perfect is the logout function. I would like to be able to specify [by URL] where a user will be redirected after logging out.  You can do it with the login form, but I dont know how to get it to work with the logout...

Anyways, here is the script...just save it all as includes.php and put it in the directory of your main site files


Simple login script made for punbb 1.2
Version: 0.1
Release Date: Jan 26, 2005

How to install this script...in just three steps!
First do a simple change on line 49

   define('PUN_ROOT', 'XXXXXX');

 XXXXXX is the location of your forum system relevant to the location of this file

    define('PUN_ROOT', 'systems/forums/');

Change this bit of code [line 50] to the place you want a logging in user to be redirected to
    $return = "URL OF REDIRECTION"

    $return = "http://localhost/index.php"

Third step
Insert this code into the page you wish to have this log in functionality
*notes: take out the extra space at the ";? >"
        this is assuming that the includes file is in same location as target file

    <?php include "includes.php";? > 

Make sure the page is saved as a .php and it should work fine :D

Release Notes:
No lang pack support yet. Of course there are only a handful of words that would need changing.
I just have the page refresh to log in, no redirect screen...some may or may not like that.


// Two Variables to set
define('PUN_ROOT', 'XXXXXX');

// Connect to the system and create a simple trash variable [for easier form coding]
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
$root = PUN_ROOT;

// Check if guest, if so do a log in, otherwise great user
if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
      // Below is the log in form for a guest, also including links for registration and to email password
          <form id="login" method="post" action="<?php echo $root ?>login.php?action=in" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">
            <input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php echo $return ?>" />
            <label class="conl"><?php echo $lang_common['Username'] ?><br /><input type="text" name="req_username" size="25" maxlength="25" tabindex="1" /><br /></label>
            <label class="conl"><?php echo $lang_common['Password'] ?><br /><input type="password" name="req_password" size="16" maxlength="16" tabindex="2" /><br /></label>
            <input type="submit" name="login" value="<?php echo $lang_common['Login'] ?>" tabindex="3" />
              <a href="<?php echo $root ?>register.php" tabindex="4">Register</a> | 
            <a href="<?php echo $root ?>login.php?action=forget" tabindex="5">Email Password</a>
    } else {
       // The data to show to a member. This shows a welcome, then links for the profile and logout stuff
          <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1">Greetings <b><?php echo $pun_user['username'];?></b>!<br>
          <a href="<?php echo $root ?>profile.php?id=<?php echo $pun_user["id"] ?>">Profile</a> | <a href="<?php echo $root ?>login.php?action=out&id=<?php echo $pun_user["id"] ?>">Logout</a>


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i never noticed the faq, i didnt upload it and completely missed it

man....i feel stupid.....

just for clarification


thats the online demo of phpbb admin section, id like to see that 'whos online' feature

its probly not that hard to write the mod for, but i am preocupied with school and what not


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i was looking around forever for a forum system that was simple, clean, and fast....and i finally found one big_smile

i really like the system, and i have started to mod it into my own personal needs...so far i havent modded to much, other than adding google ads, converting the language to all lowercase [personal prefrence], and i did one thing that i dont know if you guys would approve of or not

i tweaked the

 Powered by PunBB
Version: 1.1.4
© Copyright 2002-2004 Rickard Andersson

part, to

powered by PunBB 
powered by WinXP 
powered by PHP    
powered by Apache
powered by MySQL 
powered by XAMPP 

i still linked it, but i wasnt sure if rickard would be fine with it....so dont bite my head off if you get mad....i just felt like making room for the stuff about powered by and what not

and dont laugh about the winxp thing, thats just temp till i get my suse linux dvd i ordered from novell [free of charge thanks to this giveaway ]

and i still need to add a few mods, make a custom template [i like this one, just needs a few tweaks really], and a few other enhancemnets

anyways, here is the site

not much traffic since it is the second day of its life, but yeah....

similar to phpbb, id like to see the ip adresses of all registerd and guest users of the forum currently online and displayed in the admin console....