Well, I now think the skin is pretty much done. There doesn't seem to be any noticeable bugs either, so I'll be posting the final ver. download link soon.

Also, I've started working on yet another one wink

Haven't uploaded it to my 'test' site yet, but here's a few screens. Please remember that it's very much a work-in-progress though smile Any feedback & suggestions would be very welcome!




Just ignore the post icon, it's just a placeholder.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

reubster wrote:

Hey, sorry im not very good with PHP...

How would I make it not show anything, instead of show a different image on the other pages?

Here you go smile


if(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'index.php') {
  echo '<img src="'.PUN_ROOT.'img/banner_index.png" alt="Banner image" />';


Yes, it's quite normal.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I would suggest you to consider including a .php script for that, using the following code in the .tpl: <pun_include "banner.php">

Replace banner.php with a script you upload into ./include/user/

One such script might perhaps contain something like:


  case 'index.php':
    $banner_img = PUN_ROOT.'img/banner_index.png';  
    $banner_img = PUN_ROOT.'img/banner_other.png';

echo '<img src="'.$banner_img.'" alt="Banner image" />';

Thanks for the feedback BugHunter smile

By the way, I did as you asked, and posted all the post icons in a thread: http://www.thesecondscreen.com/viewtopic.php?id=11

Glad to see you got it working smile

If possible, could you enable debug mode and post the results?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Have you taken a look at redirect.tpl ?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Daniel wrote:

umm its for a runescape site can u help?

He wanted to know the URL of the page...


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I don't really see the point in doing so, as the poster can just post the same text in a new post instead of editing it back in...


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Why not just ban the names, using the ban feature in PunBB? Sure, they'll be able to register, but they'll never be able to post using the account wink

Elzar wrote:

Not too keen on the black line below all the H2's. Looks a bit odd. Maybe reduce the font size to 11 pixels...

Apart from that it's very good. 99% of the skins out there are awful, so this is a good start.

Sorry, but me reducing the font size is somewhat unlikely, as I find 11px to be hard to read at times. It's so easy to change, that people downloading the style can just do it themselves if they really want it... Though, I'll consider it.

I'll think about that 1px border below the H2's, but I'm not sure there... I kinda want something there to give a little contrast, but I'll try removing it, or perhaps just changing the color of it smile

EDIT: Set the TH border top color to #fff, and the border color below H2's in posts to #B8B8B8. You might have been right, as I think it looks a bit better actually smile Oh, and I also dropped the bold text in #brdmenu, as they did stand out a little to much earlier.

EDIT 2: Changed the color of the H2's to a faint pink gradient, something I think goes a little better with the theme in general. Also, it gives the page a little more "personality" I think smile

Ah, ok...I guess that would make it a little difficult.

Thanks hcgtv, I'll be sure to do so smile Any problems with the color scheme? Was worried that it perhaps might get a little to bright for some...

EDIT: Just uploaded a first version (the one in use on my test site above) to PunRes, in case anyone wanted to use this version smile Keep in mind though, that it might be changed a bit as I continue working on it.

Get it here: http://punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=988

Hello everyone, I was wondering if some of you would be kind enough to give me some feedback on a new PunBB skin I'm working on. It got a little different look (especially the colors) then what I usually do, so it would be nice if someone would let me know what they think smile

Spent the weekend on it, creating custom icons, tweaking & in general just having fun wink I was thinking of releasing it, but before I do that, I want to make sure it's something at least a few of you could see yourself using, and if anything needs improving/changing, I'd like to do that first... I got it uploaded to a new 'wip' website (along with a new version of the portal I've been working a little on-off with lately).

The URL is as follows:

Here's a test account you can use if you'd like to dig a little deeper:

Name: test
Pass: testuser

I'd be happy for any feedback, both good & bad! Feel free to use the test account to spam around a little...


Vikholm wrote:
Mr Puto wrote:

At default there not able to..though its pretty easy to edit PunBB to make moderators do that. I did it once, but it wasn't that secure. I don't think I did it in the most safest way. Just edit this part of profile.php..

Ok, problem is i'm not at all good when it when it comes to php, so if you'd want to help me out a little more (perhaps even a lot) it'd be greatly appreciated.

Just change

    if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_ADMIN)


    if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_MOD)

That should do it.

pogenwurst wrote:
CodeXP wrote:

Just uploaded a new version, as requested by pogenwurst smile

Hooray! I'll install tomorrow and tell you how it goes.


np smile

Keep in mind that the install_mod.php script wasn't written for upgrading, so you'll get errors that some of the data already exists. I'll consider writing an update function, but until then, you could also just run the following query in phpmyadmin or a similar tool:

ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `mod_groupchange_request_group` INT( 10 ) ;

Just uploaded a new version, as requested by pogenwurst smile

Get it here: http://www.punres.org/files.php?pid=111

New features:

* Verification key needed to both add a user to the mod/admin groups, and for removing a user from those groups
* Mail address and timeout hard-coded into config.php

As long as you define PUN, I don't see why it wouldn't work... You might have to include common.php as well though.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It's just the way it works... There's nothing wrong with your installation.

Just wanted to wish all the nice people on this forum, a merry christmas & a happy new year! Looking forward to spending some more time here,all trough 2006 smile

Looking good smile

One suggestion though, about your banner, I would really have used PNG or GIF for that, as it looks a little to much compressed right now. Other then that, I'm really liking the colors of the site!


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

There are no way of doing that, outside of manually editing the entry in your database.

pogenwurst wrote:
CodeXP wrote:

Sorry for the delay on the update. I'm about to change appartments right now, so I'm left without internet access at home until the end of this week.

I've already improved the plugin so that you will have to verify any demotions as well + hard-coded configuration in config.php

The next version is pretty much done, but I still need to write the documentation, and the updated install_mod.php

Should we expect the new version anytime soon? If not, that's fine, I can use the current version. Just curious.

Hehe, I kinda forgot about this.. I have already finished it, so I'll see if I can't get it posted soon smile

Razmooze wrote:

Uh... got this working alright with punBB 1.1.4 back then, but now when I have 1.2.10 I just can't get those bullets in the ul-lists to show sad. Seems to be something with the css files that doesn't allow ul-lists anymore (can't locate it though).

Try adding the following to your stylesheet:

.pun DIV.postmsg LI {
    list-style: disc